is it proper to swear while u are at work?

IMHO, I don't think swearing at work is a good idea, especially in a professional environment. It's ok, though, to swear in your mind like "Forced overtime, again? Fuck!" ;)
Since you work at Rite Aid (or something, pardon me if I forgot), it shouldn't be that bad as long as you don't curse at the supervisor/manager. I worked at a supermarket, there were a lot of kids (HS to college) in my age, so everyone gets to curse at each other for fun. That kind of job wasn't so serious like the place where you work at. Don't worry about it!
one time i did say to my worker and tell her that there is no reason to be bitch for cuz we do nothing wrong MY boss was like:shock: ans say nothing left i did not got fired my boss agree with me when i say that to my worker
To me, as long as you don't swear to the public or the customers, it should be fine. We swear among ourselves all the time at work. And we get sworn at by the public alot. Like the time this male cop was called a "white bitch" by some black girl cuz she got a parking ticket. I sworn at the chief before. I was really mad. He told me to watch my mouth. LOL. We all hate how he runs our department.
I don't swear at work, since I'm in customer service department, so I have to make my work situation look professional. :ugh: But sometimes I think of swearing words while at work. I swear a lot at home though (no voice used cuz of my boys). :o
Originally posted by SilenceGold
*#Q# $# @#**## $(($#(@# @@((#$ $$%%####)(((

Pardon my voia french.

What? What did you say? :cups her ear closer to hear you: ;) Heh.
i've sworn a couple of times on the job cuz some of the job has HOT coffees and i have been spilt on several times i would say DAMN or SHIT! cuz it would be shock and sametime painful!
I can swear in binary language like that:

I noticed at my work the longer we stay at the same job, we are more likely to loosen up and say whatever we want. I hardly swear, but my co-worker omg I hear this everyday and she always says f'ing idiot, f' it, and the like. It does get too extreme, but once in awhile is okay, just don't over do it like my co-worker does. She's cool, she really is, but the constant swearing does annoy me. Sometimes I fear that one day she might lose it ya know what I mean?
Originally posted by LeviathanC
I can swear in binary language like that:


Did you say it all out loud. on and on?
I always curse in German or French when I have to curse! Oh putain! I just gave my secret away! Zut alors! :laugh2:
Originally posted by kuifje75
I always curse in German or French when I have to curse! Oh putain! I just gave my secret away! Zut alors! :laugh2:

Better hope no coworkers overhear ya who happens to know some German and French heh

BTW at work I learned some Bosnian and Vietnamese cuss words ..whhhhooopppiieee
If they did understand me, I could always say I dont speak French or German, they are imagining things LOL.
Originally posted by kuifje75
If they did understand me, I could always say I dont speak French or German, they are imagining things LOL.

If everyone works with you are hearing..I bet you cuss in signs.

Using that bird finger wouldn't help you sneak it away but saying FY might.
my boss always swearing to me and everybody.

I don't remmy I never say any swear to my boss. I won't take the risk. :shock:
Ah, that reminds me of my boss cussing at me for something. I was like :shock: but all's :thumb: now. :mrgreen:
it's important to allow boss being piss off at co-works. They will be able to learn their lesson from mistake. Of course, sometime boss can be wrong. I remmy one of my co-worker prove that she is right and my boss is wrong. :laugh2: