Is it okay to date ASL Interpreter lady?

That's what I thought. I rode with interpreters before too.

And what is spa resorts? A place where people go to relax? I find it odd for someone to have an interpreter in places like that.

Forgive me for not reply your post an earlier.

No, Spa resort is not just relax but treatment, positive their healthy, etc. Many patients are being sent to spa resorts after surgical, health problem, etc... there're also other spa resort for drugs and alochol addiction... We all need interpreters to be there for us is doctor appointments and different lectures for health issues, etc.

You can learn everything from my thread including the example links...
The interpreters at the college work for a private agency that has a contract with the college. The agency does the hiring, assigning, and firing. There are no freelance or staff interpreters at the college.


If interpreters who work for school or spa resort as full time then has to follow their rules accord agreement contract.

If freelance interpreter who receives the apply from Agency then they have to follow Agency's rules what they can or not.

Sometimes we disagree with their rules but we has to accept the fact that each has different rules... Oh well...
Oh I see thank you for replying. Spa that I went to here where I live is for relax. I sort of figured out that your definition would be different especially if interpreters were needed.
One of our interpreters gave a short car ride to an adult Deaf college student and was immediately fired. There was no romance or "hanky-panky" involved but the rule is, no car rides for clients. Terps know the rules, and must take responsibility for their actions.

Oh, wow, I didn't know that. lol One time, my college interpreter (also, my friend) and I had a short ride for the lunch like what Liebling said up there, and that interpreter still have a job. heh