I just remembered...
There was ONE other occation to which I had tears brought to my eyes. This was a really complicated situation, under a really complicated substance, which many of you would not understand.
Dextromethorphan HBr.
Me and my roommate and a good friend of ours, doses HEAVILY one night while we were at college. This was around October I believe...
Was an insane night, my roomie started having a bad trip, our friend just took WAY too much, could handle it, just wasn't with us anymore, off in his own world. I finally got my roomie under control, started relaxing and enjoying it, we were walking around D.C the whole time, around 12:30 AM on a saturday night, freezing (though we didn't know it). Anyway, if any of you have ever experimented with Dextromethorphan, at high doses (not just once or twice, but EXPERIMENTED) then you too, will respect the effects it has on ones emotions. Everything is multiplied hundreds, and hundreds of times.
I won't explain it all, but it was the "emotion jumping" that night that caused it. Taking care of someone having a bad trip, gradually built into frusturation which turned into sheer anger, uncontrollable rage, finally calmed down into a non-stop, stomach wrenching laughing spell, back to anger, and so on. Eventually, our friend broke some news to us, and we just... started talking, going over good and bad memories of our times together, realizing that it will never be that way again. I dunno, it was just the sight of our friend, who broke down into tears that got to both me and my roommate.
It was kind of a disturbing scene, three *mostly* grown guys, sitting around, eyes full of tears, just talking, late at night, standing in the freezing cold, in the ghetto.