SSI is for those who dont have job but is ABLE to work.
Sorry to correct you, but this not exactly correct, and is misleading.
Directly from site:
SSI makes monthly payments to people who have low income and few resources and are:
* Age 65 or older;
* Blind; or
* Disabled.
If you are applying for SSI, you also should ask for What You Need To Know When You Get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Publication No. 05-11011).
Disabled or blind children also can receive SSI. You can get more information in Benefits For Children With Disabilities (Publication No. 05-10026).
The basic SSI amount is the same nationwide. However, many states add money to the basic benefit. You can call us to find out the amounts for your state.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
And the main difference between SSI and SSDI is that you have to have worked a certain amount to get SSDI. It is also possible to get both SSDI and SSI.