Is it okay for the (underage) teenagers have an abortion without parental knowledge?

Is it okay for the (underage) teenagers have an abortion without parental knowledge?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 62.8%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
This is between the pregnant Girl and her Mother to make the decision alone.

Mothers of Daughters will sign the contract first, until she is 16.

Custodial parents (Daughter lives with her Parents) MUST be informed that daughter is considering abortion from Family Doctor, and GP will offer counselling process between teenager Mum and her parents.

Teenager Father of the baby have no saying.
I vote yes because of if parents found out then they can disown them...

Yes it could be reason why they fix the law for children protection after collect many problems from teenagers's relationship with parents. The parents should open to discuss with their children about sex education etc... and let them know if they are welcome to talk them if they have problem... All what I see is the parents threaten to disown them etc which is no good...
I think teens should have every right to leave their parents uninformed about their choice to have an abortion. It's a personal choice, and bringing it out into the family can lead to major issues (disowning, family conflict) ect. While I'd encourage girls to tell their families, or at least some responsible adult aside from the father, it is in the end her body, and her baby.

Yes I can see and understand the point what you made here but the problem is:

The teenagers have to force to abort their baby because they fear of their parent's reaction.

All what I wish the parents are open-mind and can talk anything about sex education with their teenagers then they won't fear to open anything to them if they want to keep baby... or want to abort baby...

I would advise my daughter to give a baby up for an adoption IF she don't want to keep baby or want to abort....
What if the girl gets an infection or excessive bleeding from the abortion?

Yes you has a good point... I know the problem... Perhaps they find the way how to solve if a girl don't want her parents know.

What if the girl has deep depression after the abortion?

I'm afraid yes... It's sad that she's fear to talk open with her parents because she know what her parents are. It's great if her parents support her to keep a baby.

Who will be responsible? How will the parents help her if they don't even know something is wrong?

The problem is a girl fear parent's reaction. I beleive that gyn. would advise her to check with counsellor...

Will the girl be able to get an abortion with NO adult taking legal and financial responsibility? Who will make sure she gets good medical care and emotional support?
How come minor girls can't get other medical procedures or medications without parental permission? Maybe there's a good reason that doctors don't treat minors without permission.

I cannot answer on this because I don't know about US health system how to take care of anonymous births or anonymous abortion.

To my knowledge, German teenagers gave the birth to baby and throw baby to rubbish bin... or leave baby on the stepdoor of clinic because they scared of their strict parents and strict abortion law... It could not carry on like this so German government decided to fix the law for anonymous-birth or abortion who don't want their parents know... and loose and improve strict abortion law. They can give birth or abort their babies in the clinic and stay anonymous with the help from counsellors... Health insurance cover everything...

and other link
Germany Still Divided over the Idea of Baby Hatches | Current Affairs | Deutsche Welle | 21.12.2002

How does the abortion clinic know the girl's medical history? Kids don't always know their history, or don't tell the truth about it. That can be a fatal mistake.

The clinic can pull girl's file to check her medical history from family doctor.

To my knowledge, teenager from 14 years has the right to have their privacy when they want to visit family doctor without parents if they have problem. Of course doctor would solve/advise teenagers how to communicate with their parents, etc. or check with counsellor...

How do the clinic people know that the girl is telling the truth about her parents?

Pretty logical, if a girl has no fear to open anything to her parents then she would not tell clinic people about her parents... Right? It's pretty logical that she is scare of her parents that's why she trust clinic people, not her parents!!!
What exactly do you all mean when you say, "the parents will disown their daughter"?

Can parents legally "disown" minor children?

Do you think the parents will want to "disown" the girl if they find out later that she had an abortion behind their backs?
No cuz I am the responsible if the child along with the heatlth insurance. I need to know what is going on and not only that if something happened to the child during the abortion then i would need to know that.
This is between the pregnant Girl and her Mother to make the decision alone.

Mothers of Daughters will sign the contract first, until she is 16.

Custodial parents (Daughter lives with her Parents) MUST be informed that daughter is considering abortion from Family Doctor, and GP will offer counselling process between teenager Mum and her parents.

Teenager Father of the baby have no saying.

You're right, but what about if the mother died or walk away from the family? I'm not sure it would be problem if it's between father and daughter. Well...aunts or grandmothers? heh...
You're right, but what about if the mother died or walk away from the family? I'm not sure it would be problem if it's between father and daughter. Well...aunts or grandmothers? heh...

If Mother is not with her, Father will do, if he's not around, her guardian (aunt or grandma) will do.
What exactly do you all mean when you say, "the parents will disown their daughter"?

Can parents legally "disown" minor children?

This link answer your questions.

American Civil Liberties Union : Laws Restricting Teenagers' Access to Abortion

Do you think the parents will want to "disown" the girl if they find out later that she had an abortion behind their backs?

I personally don't think so. Sure, they will upset and try to find out what have they done any wrong to drive their teenager to trust adult who helps her with abortion than them. I beleive this situation might wake the parents up...
It's important for parents to know what's going on with their children.
It's an interesting link but it doesn't answer my questions.

I asked:

1. what do you all mean that "the parents will disown the girls"?
Several AllDeafers used that phrase as a reason that girls are afraid to inform their parents. So I'm wondering what it means to the people who use that phrase.

2. can parents legally disown their minor children?
Can parents legally refuse to financially support their minor children? Can they legally kick minor children to the street?

I personally don't think so. Sure, they will upset and try to find out what have they done any wrong to drive their teenager to trust adult who helps her with abortion than them. I beleive this situation might wake the parents up...
That's contradictory of the reasoning behind girls not needing to notify their parents because they fear the parents' reaction. If the girl is afraid to tell her parents that she wants an abortion because she's afraid of their reaction, how can those same parents miraculously become so sensitive and "understanding" if they find out after the fact? Compounding that the fact that their daughter deceived them?
Whether or not if the girls do not tell their parents, the parents will eventually find out that they're are pregnant....I know some young girls are terrified to inform their parents about their pregnancy but I think the best thing to do is sit down and talk to their parents, the parents may get upset but they still love them ..I do understand why some parents may get upset especially when teenager daughter is only 15-16 years old, they're still babies themselves and not fully grown yet..and some parents rather to see their children finish their education, go to college maybe, and see them be successful in life rather then wasting their life settle down and having babies in the early stage...If some girls are too terrified to face their parents of their pregnancy then maybe learn to prevent something like this from happening again by taken responsiblity for their own actions then they won't have anything to worry about....keep their pants zipped would help :)
mostly parents must knew about daughters have abortion without approval of girl's mother.

if girl not listen to the mom about words "abortion" they she should ahead have pregnant hide from mom they nobody know about that nor family.

i never have abortion of my own baby underages 18 years old but im now 25 years old i can have my decide to have baby what i wanted it or NOTHING! i told my mom i wanted have baby one days what i wanted.
It's an interesting link but it doesn't answer my questions.

I thought those link is sufficient to answer your question... :dunno:

I asked:

1. what do you all mean that "the parents will disown the girls"?
Several AllDeafers used that phrase as a reason that girls are afraid to inform their parents. So I'm wondering what it means to the people who use that phrase.

To my personally experience, my parents and grandma threaten me & my sister if we are pregnant then they will kick us out of house and don´t want to do anything with us. No wonder, why they are fear to talk open with their parents because they know from their experiences what their parents threaten them before... I guess that ADers know their experiences, too.

It´s not just abortion but many reasons...

2. can parents legally disown their minor children?
Can parents legally refuse to financially support their minor children? Can they legally kick minor children to the street?

No, it has nothing do with legally... but they can get teenagers to Youth Welfare to take care of.

To my knowledge, if the teenagers don´t want to live under parents´roof or the parents "disown" teenager, then they will be take care of by government... The parents will not get monthly child benefit if their children do not live with them... Child benefit will go to Social Welfare... They have to check the parent´s income to count with child benefit limit how much they have to fiancial children´s care. If the parents have no incomes then the cost will go to Social welfare. They
take responsible for the children until they are 18 years old.

That's contradictory of the reasoning behind girls not needing to notify their parents because they fear the parents' reaction. If the girl is afraid to tell her parents that she wants an abortion because she's afraid of their reaction, how can those same parents miraculously become so sensitive and "understanding" if they find out after the fact? Compounding that the fact that their daughter deceived them?

Yes I can understand it´s not easy for the parents to deal like issues like this... I can image it would affect them real hard after learn that their own children trust adult than them.
No, it has nothing do with legally... but they can get teenagers to Youth Welfare to take care of.
I think it's different in America. Parents are legally responsible for paying for their children's support until age 18 years. They can't stop taking care of them just because they don't agree with what the children do. If the child is uncontrollable or a danger, then the parent can request the state to find a foster home or institution for the child. But the parent is still financially responsible for the child's support, if they are able. If the child is sent away, the parents send a support check. But parents aren't allowed to just dump kids on the street.

If parents leave their kids on the street they are breaking the law.

To my knowledge, if the teenagers don´t want to live under parents´roof or the parents "disown" teenager, then they will be take care of by government...
Those are two separate situations. If it's the child's choice to live away from the parents, then the child goes to court to get emancipated. Then, the parents will not be responsible.

If the parents want to disown a minor child, that's not allowed. They can surrender custody to someone else, through the courts, but they can't just kick them out to the street.

The parents will not get monthly child benefit if their children do not live with them... Child benefit will go to Social Welfare...
Do you mean for children whose families are receiving welfare (or dole) payments? What about children whose families are not receiving welfare benefits? That's only for poor families.

I'm asking about the families, not the government. Parents are responsible for their children. The government is not responsible for the children. The government is responsible for enforcing the parents' responsibilities.

Maybe Germany's laws are different.
I think it's different in America. Parents are legally responsible for paying for their children's support until age 18 years. They can't stop taking care of them just because they don't agree with what the children do. If the child is uncontrollable or a danger, then the parent can request the state to find a foster home or institution for the child. But the parent is still financially responsible for the child's support, if they are able. If the child is sent away, the parents send a support check. But parents aren't allowed to just dump kids on the street.

I thought you know the logical after read my post that the parents have to fiancial the cost of children´s care... which mean that the parents are obligate to support the cost of chlidren´s care if they don´t want do anything with their children or children don´t want to do anything with their parents. CPS has to involve and tried to solve this problem between the parents and children... If solution doesn´t work then CPS took the custody of the children until court.....

If parents leave their kids on the street they are breaking the law.

Yes that´s right... that´s why the parents has to get their children to Social Welfare.

Unfortunlately, teenagers runaway from parents and living on the street.

Those are two separate situations. If it's the child's choice to live away from the parents, then the child goes to court to get emancipated. Then, the parents will not be responsible.

Yes of course... this is pretty logical... Why should I post too long because everyone knows the logical that the court is the one who decide which the custody the child has to go.

If the parents want to disown a minor child, that's not allowed. They can surrender custody to someone else, through the courts, but they can't just kick them out to the street.

A lot of children runaway from the parents for many reasons...

The parents can disown their minor children... or the children can disown their parents as well... (I know it´s horrible one)... All what they do is give their children to Social Welfare to take care of until the court............

Do you mean for children whose families are receiving welfare (or dole) payments? What about children whose families are not receiving welfare benefits? That's only for poor families.

Check this link.
New rules for child allowance/ tax credit in Germany, Expatriate Support, HR, Expatica

We parents receive €154 per child monthly child support benefit from local family agency. No matter either we are employee or unemployee.

It´s not just but every Europe countries as well.

Its about children-friendly.

I'm asking about the families, not the government. Parents are responsible for their children. The government is not responsible for the children. The government is responsible for enforcing the parents' responsibilities.

Maybe Germany's laws are different.

Of course, your description is the same as here in Germany... Yes, we know that the parents are responsible for their children but what if they are being abuse, neglect, disown etc... ???? who take care of them? Of course government... CPS who work for government... Right?

We have CPS accord children protection law... they are also from government as well... They protect children from abuser, etc. I´m glad that we have CPS who protect the children from abusers, neglect, disown, etc... etc.
Even if a parent cannot just toss their child onto the street (legally, that is, but it still HAPPENS. 3 out of -10- people at my GLBT youth center were -homeless- by the legal definition.) But is being turned away to foster care, or being abused/neglected at home going to be any better? Children from strongly religious homes can face something far worst than simply being thrown out on the street- losing the respect of their family.

I think being open about it with family is a great idea for alot of people who will get the support from their family that they need during such a tough time, but that is not the case for everyone. The option needs to remain open for girls that may only be in emotionally abusive situations (which are -very- difficult to legally prove and punish parents for) to avoid needless Pain. Aborting your child is hard enough- the stress of having a family that hates you for it is not something the law should impose on children.
...Unfortunlately, teenagers runaway from parents and living on the street.
Yes, that is very sad. :(

If it's the child's choice to live away from the parents, then the child goes to court to get emancipated. Then, the parents will not be responsible.
Yes of course... this is pretty logical... Why should I post too long because everyone knows the logical that the court is the one who decide which the custody the child has to go.
If a child is legally emancipated, then no one has custody. The child is set free, and is responsible for him or her self.

If the parents want to disown a minor child, that's not allowed. They can surrender custody to someone else, through the courts, but they can't just kick them out to the street.
A lot of children runaway from the parents for many reasons...
Running away is not the same as being kicked out. Two totally different situations.

... All what they do is give their children to Social Welfare to take care of until the court...
Are the parents charged?

We parents receive €154 per child monthly child support benefit from local family agency. No matter either we are employee or unemployee.
Even families who aren't poor? Why?

Its about children-friendly.
...and government dependence.

Oh, well, I guess that's a different topic.
Even if a parent cannot just toss their child onto the street (legally, that is, but it still HAPPENS...
Yes, I know, and that is very sad. Parents should not be allowed to do that.

But is being turned away to foster care, or being abused/neglected at home going to be any better?
What is the solution? Children should NOT be abused or neglected but if they are in a dangerous situation they need to be moved. Sadly, there aren't always enough good homes for them. Many foster and group homes are good but some definitely are not. But children shouldn't be left on the street either.

Children from strongly religious homes can face something far worst than simply being thrown out on the street- losing the respect of their family.
It's heartbreaking for the parents and children both.

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