Is it offensive to sign in public?

I personally can't understand someone saying people who are hearing shouldn't sign unless there are deaf people around. I mean I was learning to sign from my guidance counselor in middle school. My ex best friend and i used to sign everywhere we went. Thats how i met the deaf janitor, shes the sweetest woman I was sad when her and her husband moved with their kids closer to a deaf school. She encouraged my signing(which at the time was mostly finger spelling heh). Its something like that could deterre some young teen trying to learn for a good reason to stop signing. On the flip side the person who said this would complain that not enough hearing people knows his Language and how wrong it is.
i do laugh at the hearing people that mistake the thank you sign is the offensive gesture of bring the hand forward under the chin (f.o.)

:laugh2: That reminds me of when I taught my science teacher in high school how to say "good morning." He was so proud of himself for learning it, that he wanted to share with the rest of my class. He said, "hey! Look at what he taught me to sign... Good morning!" He, of course, bumbled it all up and did the offensive gesture (hand forward under chin... the "f.o."), followed by another offensive gesture (closed fisted hand raising upwards... "up yours", in other words).

Regarding the thread's original question, no, it's not offensive to sign in public. What is offensive, are the ones that mock, point, and make snide comments (making derogatory, negative comments) about signing.
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I don't mind if the hearing people want to learn to sign and sign to each other for practicing. One thing I don't like at all is that some hearing kids want to learn JUST the dirty sign language and don't bother to learn the rest of ASL in order to communciate with deaf people.
Offensive? HA! I, for a fact, would actually encourage hearing folks to continue to learn/practice and to also accept constructive criticism to help further their knowledge. As for the girl and her father...I guess they had/have their own bad experience from whereever that stems from.

If you were in my town..I'd welcome you in open arms and help ya out!!
From JClarke;1385819I thought deaf people who talks are offesnive in the public? :hmm:

Umm some of us are learning to sign or are out with hearing friends who sign so badly its not worth signing. Or the deaf person we are with thinks its easier to talk to you than sign. Or pro oral parents gets mad when you sign.

Please note I sound like im hearing
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From JClarke;1385819I thought deaf people who talks are offesnive in the public? :hmm:

Umm some of us are learning to sign or are out with hearing friends who sign so badly its not worth signing. Or the deaf person we are with thinks its easier to talk to you than sign. Or pro oral parents gets mad when you sign.

Please note I sound like im hearing

He was joking.
Ok well basically I am hearing and I've been signing for four years now and my bestfriend and I took ASL together in high school. We would sign everywhere we went so we could practice at anytime. One day in Target, we were signing off and on and laughing and talking and this girl came up and said "my dads deaf and he finds it offensive when hearing people sign and they arent helping a deaf person" and it seems odd to me because we want to become interpreters and I'm wondering how anyone is supposed to learn if they cant sign without a deaf person present. My teacher is deaf and he was outraged that someone would get mad about that.
We went to Washington school for the deaf and only the top three people in the class could go and my friend and I were chosen. For three days we participated in a program where we could expand our knowledge and were not able to speak. We were complimented on how well we sign and our use of facial expressions. I don't think a whole school would allow this program of hearing students to be able to come if they found it offensive but I'd like to hear from others. What do you think? Is it offensive if a hearing person signs in public when Deaf arent around?

Ah, tell her to fuck off and that she and her dad are being big babies about this. :roll: As long as you are using actual sign language and not mocking the deaf people, I don't find it offensive at all, deaf person present or not. It's great that you and your friend practice at every opportunity possible. Keep it up! You two are on your way to becoming great interpreters!
no it's not

i do laugh at the hearing people that mistake the thank you sign is the offensive gesture of bring the hand forward under the chin (f.o.)

Yeah, that is why I learned how to voice the words "thank you" properly so that I don't confuse people when I say "thank you" to them for their service when I buy something at a store.

I can't speak much but I learned a few key words to get by in public such as "thank you" and "bathroom?" and that's about it, I think.
If it was offensive to sign w/o no deaf people around, that's stupid. :roll:

I hardly know any LSM anymore, it was my first language as a child but I got very rusty since I have not seen my Deaf friends from Mexico since I was 8 years old (that's the last time I saw them). Since moving here, I am picking it up again. Many Deafies here use LSM, and do I find it offensive that they use LSM when I don't hardly know any? No. Instead, I ask my friends here to help me relearn my LSM skills. I like to learn different languages anyway.

I am not German at all and I do not speak German, in fact I know none at all but my sister learned German in high school as a foreign language requirement (she chose German, oh well). She speaks fluent German around us and I don't tell her that it's offensive. I don't care. It's great practice for her, especially if she is in the Navy, where they might need German interpreters or stuff for government stuff, or for a future job doing German interpreting. What's wrong with that?

Tell that stupid stuck-up know-it-all girl to beat it and mind her own business.
I do not believe it should be offensive to anyone.

My hubs and I have never been chastised by D/deaf for signing in public - BUT - we have been chastised by hearing for signing in public.

For us, the enviroment is key to whether we can speak to eachother comfortably or sign comfortably or a combination of the two.
Ok well basically I am hearing and I've been signing for four years now and my bestfriend and I took ASL together in high school. We would sign everywhere we went so we could practice at anytime. One day in Target, we were signing off and on and laughing and talking and this girl came up and said "my dads deaf and he finds it offensive when hearing people sign and they arent helping a deaf person" and it seems odd to me because we want to become interpreters and I'm wondering how anyone is supposed to learn if they cant sign without a deaf person present. My teacher is deaf and he was outraged that someone would get mad about that.
We went to Washington school for the deaf and only the top three people in the class could go and my friend and I were chosen. For three days we participated in a program where we could expand our knowledge and were not able to speak. We were complimented on how well we sign and our use of facial expressions. I don't think a whole school would allow this program of hearing students to be able to come if they found it offensive but I'd like to
hear from others. What do you think? Is it offensive if a hearing person signs in public when Deaf arent around?

I never of such a crazy thing! So would it be offensive if 2 people talk in Spainsh and that is not their lauguage! I took sign lauguage and I would
practice with a hearing people in public! How else would you learn if do not
practice all the time! I would not worried about people like that girl! It is her issues to deal with! I say NO is not offensive to signs in public if no deafs are around! I would have been very interested in watching as I forgot how to signs!
No, it is not offensive. I feel that your dad finds it offensive because he may have been left out when hearing people don't tell him what is being said. Since ASL is another language, such a justification falls down on itself when you consider the fact that there are relatively few deaf people that know ASL and Deaf culture. It is extremely important that hearing people learn ASL because it also helps them when they need it.
This isn't Ely's dad that we're talking about. It was a random girl that approached Ely and said that it was her (the girl) dad that finds it offensive.

But you're right, it shouldn't be offensive. Using sign language is like speaking a foreign language... should offend anyone.
This isn't Ely's dad that we're talking about. It was a random girl that approached Ely and said that it was her (the girl) dad that finds it offensive.

But you're right, it shouldn't be offensive. Using sign language is like speaking a foreign language... should offend anyone.

Oh OK, I misunderstood.
If a deaf person is offended because two hearing people sign to each other, then does that justify a hearing person getting offended when two deaf people speak to each other?

my partner (at work) and I are both taking asl classes and we are constantly signing back and forth through out the day. We have had a few Deaf people come up to us and start conversations, but never had one tell us we were being rude. Most Deaf people that I have encountered think that it's really cool that people in my field (EMS) are learning asl. I have noticed that hearing people can be a little uncomfortable when we sign around them though. Only time we've had problems though was one time we were in Wal-Mart, my partner made a joke about our last call and we both started laughing. Guy near us thought we were making fun of him or something and got rather upset. Oh well. But yeah, I've never gotten anything but positive feedback from Deaf people when I sign in public.
My ASL teacher told me about taking her class to a local chain restaurant. The class was to sign to each other, the teacher and not speak. They were to order without speaking. You get the idea... mind you, the manager is aware, the event is planned.

Another customer and his wife were so offended that he asked the manager to make the class leave! They stared, glared and pointed, rolled eyes, etc. at the class. The manager was very nice. He asked the man to leave!

This stuff happens. When signing with friends I try to make sure nosy hearies understand, if they are interested and seem friendly I will often try to include them if it is appropriate and I have the time. If they seem hostile, I just usually ignore them.

At another place, I went in alone. Eek, forgot to wear ald or ha's, cause it was vacation! I was getting a simple take out order. Server was great, but a customer waiting in line to pay - different story! Ugh. She told her friend - (I read her lips) "She don't hear you - never mind her!" As if she should just butt in and act as if I wasn't being helped first. I just smiled at her and got good eye contact. She lowered her eyes and stepped away. Her friend looked embarrassed.

Sign anywhere exept where your signing could get you in big trouble. Where is that? My former terp said some gangs will be offended. Not a problem here, but to be careful in larger cities or bad neighborhoods. I don't know about that. I have never been in that situation. Has any one here ever had a problem with that?? Could this be true?
Sign anywhere exept where your signing could get you in big trouble. Where is that? My former terp said some gangs will be offended. Not a problem here, but to be careful in larger cities or bad neighborhoods. I don't know about that. I have never been in that situation. Has any one here ever had a problem with that?? Could this be true?
I only think that is true if a gang perceives you as a weakling and easy target.

I don't think they will be mistaking ASL for gang signs. :lol:

Also I'm surprised about your restaurant experience, the worst thing I have ever seen is people watching and then looking embarrassed if caught. :shrug:
So true, Bots, yet I believe she was reacting to stories like this one -

Deaf Today v3.0: Suspected Gang Members Kill Deaf Man

This is from 2006, old. I think something may have been mentioned a year or more ago in Jamie Burk's site as well. I am "deafinately" not sure about Jamie's site, and I am on my way back to work.

Hey - Guess What???? They have hired another Deaf person to work in our office!!! Wow!! I can't wait for him to start. He is young and oral deaf. I hope he signs. We will definately be signing in public if he does. haha!