is it normal for deaf people to worry about this?

When I was growing up I was told I made a lot of noise no matter what I did. Mom says I used to grunt a lot when I ate, but now I don't. Then kids from school made fun of me because I would mispronounce words and they said I spoke too loudly. I was the only deafie in the entire school.

When I my ex-husband and I were still together he often yelled at me for making too much noise, but yet he always slept with the TV on (which annoyed me as the light from the TV would flicker everytime the picture would change thus keeping me up all night) but if I turned the TV off he would yell at me still for doing so. It was a no-win situation really.

Some people say when I walk I stomp and I sound like I'm mad even though I'm not. This may be due to my balance issues and the fact that I wear boots 80% of the time.
Yep, me too. There is a good side and a bad side to it.

The good side is, we develop better speech and hearing people are able to understand us.

Downside is, we are self-conscious and afraid to mispronounce a word for fear of everyone bursting out laughing at us or giving us that "huh?" look.

What really pisses me off royally is, why the hell are our parents nitpicking us to death over how to pronounce a word, when we have all these frickin' foreigners in our country who can't speak English very well....and those same people are running businesses and making governmental decisions? Why is it okay for them to speak half-gibberish and it is not okay for us to mispronounce a few words?

I am getting all worked up now...gonna take a break...:pissed:

Oh I use to get so mad about this too!

One night when I was a kid I stayed up past my bedtime watching the Johnny Carson show. (late 1960s, yeah, I'm old. :D ) There was a comedian on, Norm Crosby, and by the time his act was finished I'm surprised I didn't burst into flames, I was so furious.

He was a HoH guy and his whole act was misusing words. When I did that people stared at me, made fun of me or snickered. But he got to be on TV! And famous!

I'm actually a little angry right now, remembering this. But I can laugh now too.
I worry about this only with hearies who mention it before (my mom!!!) so I think now they notice it. I feel embarrassed! Most times I don't remember since I can't hear it so I don't know it. My mom say I make lots of noise when signing.
It seems to be really unfair to be held responsible for noises that you can't hear.

I found out the hard way that paper makes noise. I was in a meeting and while someone was talking I was looking for a specific page. Apparently flipping through papers is noisy.
It seems to be really unfair to be held responsible for noises that you can't hear.

I found out the hard way that paper makes noise. I was in a meeting and while someone was talking I was looking for a specific page. Apparently flipping through papers is noisy.

Oh Em Gee. It really is. I didn't know how noisy it was until I got the CI. WOWZERS.
Yes. Before I got CIs, I couldn't hear people chewingl I find chewing sounds annoying and I wonder how hearing put up with it. :P

I would have to be very close to hear another person breathe though. I still can't hear a heart beat unless I got my ear right next to the person's chest and I assume that would be true for hearing as well.

Do you hear it or feel it? I can't hear a heartbeat but I can feel it. When I'm close enough I imagine that I'm hearing it but I know that I am not.
Yeah, I have a problem in the past especially while I was eating. I tend to make little hum sound when I'm eating. It sounded like every food are so delicious and I hummmmm very quietly. Then one day, my ex g/f asked me why I hum. I told her I have no idea that I was making a hum sound. Then I got very self councious of myself. Then another person making fun of me about how I snore so loud. At first I don't believe in myself I really snored. So, I decided to test myself by leaving my HA on all night. Boy! As soon as I started snore, I was up on the ceiling flat! It scare the sh*t out of me!!

So, snoring it the only problem and all the rest, I finally break the habits.

My hearing son always say to me, "Mum, why do you always have to orgasm when you eat." :giggle:
Hey me sometimes. (sorry that was off topic)..OK..I have actually been out to dinner and had the woman at the table next to me tell me I was speaking to loudly and annoying her..Hmmmm. I am usually a very tolerant person, but it was a bad day for me ( no excuse i know) but i can't hear my own voice so I dont know how loud I am ..I waited and as I left I stopped at her table and said in my usual speaking voice " please excuse me if my deafness has inconvenienced you"...laughing..her face got red but I felt satisfied. I have since learned from my therapy that I can put my hand on my throat and feel my voice raise or lower..kinda cool...but I just started to speak again in rehab so I speak softly but I'm sure I will be my same Loud self when I get to go home...Peace to"s SPRING YAY!M♥♥♥

That's how I learn volume. Hand on throat. So, when I teach myself to speak I learn how loud different, how do you say, levels? are.

Sometimes my hearing teenagers will say, "Mum, stop yelling," and I say to them I'm not. I don't mean to but forget voice control sometimes.
I never worry about it.

same here. I just dont give a shit! My family are heavy sleepers and I snore as loud as a chainsaw. :lol:

I dont care if the public can hear me wiping my own ass in bathroom. :D Gudda do what you gudda do.
lucky.. you must have not had people say anything and make you self concious then?

No, that's not it. My husband always made sure we have a detached house and I have no worries.

We have that as I am loud. And anybody who bothers me will probably never do it to any other person again.

You must be new here and not have met me?
When I am talking with my family out in public, everyone turns to stare as it seems I get too loud when I talk. Either that or they are staring since I am signing when talking as well.

MIL is getting on our nerves at times when she makes comments about either me or my son snoring. She claims we are keeping her up at night, or waking her from a deep sleep. We keep our doors open to get air from the A/C and she closes her door. She also wonders why I am no longer talking in my sleep, but, daughter says that I am now signing in my sleep and not talking. It freaks daughter out at times.
Yeah, count me in as one of the people who get self-conscious about speaking/breathing/eating too loud. Mostly I only get self conscious when my family tell me that I am being loud, but they mean well. They only want me to know so that I can adjust and not disturb people around me. I just hate it when other people have a frown on their face as if I should be able to tell (hear) that I'm loud and should have adjusted before someone has to tell me. I also eat loud because, yes, I sometimes open my mouth while eating. However, I have mild scoliosis (curving of the spine) and my ribs sometimes pushses on my lungs and it is hard to get enough air breathing through my nose while eating. So when eating something that takes a long time to chew (tough or stringy foods), I instead open my mouth to let in some air. I know normally it isn't polite, but I'd rather not pass out while trying to chew my food. :lol: I'm one of those people that believe that :deaf:deaf/hh people should not have to worry about sounds they can't hear.
Even hearing people worry about how much noise they make. I know my mopm used to tell me to 'eat quieter" and I must breathe loud cuz even I think I do.

I think hearing people would be understanding but like I said noone is truly quiet (except mice ;) )
i fart loud and i dont care, when i do, i often joked to hearing people saying, i cant hear it enough like you, but it smells so deaf people can enjoy them too
they walk off saying nothing :lol:
probably shocked at my attitude, fuck it ha ha
well....theres a time and place for that, in really formal like job interviews or funeral sermons id quietly walk out breathe fart, and come back or hold on depending how strong it going to be, sometimes i miss the strength or the types of fart completely, then it can be really embarrassing...if its like a long slow raspberry type with spluttering pops at the end, its like 'w.t.f....Opps', then everyone including me knows its bad...Unless its at the drinking game well thats completely different everyone will crack up...:fart::wiggle:
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Ha forgot how loud some things are when I stopped wearing hearing aids. I remember my parents told me to shush when my breathing was loud in a store.

I was once telling a dog of mine to stop barking as was in the middle of the night and I was afraid he would wake up my neighbors. A few days later I saw one of my neighbor and she said I woke up her son! My neighbor said her son came into her bedroom and said I woke him up! I had no idea how loud my voice was as I was not wearing my HA! The kid never heard my dog barking he did hear me! OOPS!!

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