Is it fair to say "god bless america and no place else!"

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Even though I'm an american, I find it kind of selfish for some people saying "God bless America and no place else!" when they only think of their country and not others like Africa, Iraqi and other countries that are suffering from disease, hunger, and money loss, its like they dont even bless the other countries like France and England for their help in the wars and all. We americans are not meant to be selfish, cold hearted and ignorant about the other nations that are suffering...even our own country is suffering too from money loss, crazy taxes and all the other shit thanks to president bush.
Did u know that illegal drugs are actually cheaper than legal drugs? did you know that the government still want more money in the country when they dont even care about free health care? They dont care if you are seriously injuried..they just want your money first before they can fix you up, if not, then you are left dead. China has more doctors and nurses than America do due to free health care. Africa has more doctors and nurses than America do due to free health care as well. They are paid by the goverment, but here, the doctors are paid by the patients instead. Thats part of why our taxes always sucks. America is too soft on criminals while other countries tend to be tough on criminals, giving them a life long sentence or a quick death penality. Admit it, America is definetly one of the worst countries ever even though it's very rich and powerful but poorly organized and very greedy. America is a very snotty and unfriendly country.
This country is based on GREED! :ugh: I am ashamed to be an American. I'm considering moving to Canada when I'm old enough.
I am an American through good and bad times. No matter what. I am an American. People who run to Canada are cowards anyways and America does not need cowards. After all, This is The Land and The Home of the Brave. :cool:
Steel X said:
Even though I'm an american, I find it kind of selfish for some people saying "God bless America and no place else!" when they only think of their country and not others like Africa, Iraqi and other countries that are suffering from disease, hunger, and money loss, its like they dont even bless the other countries like France and England for their help in the wars and all. We americans are not meant to be selfish, cold hearted and ignorant about the other nations that are suffering...even our own country is suffering too from money loss, crazy taxes and all the other shit thanks to president bush.
Did u know that illegal drugs are actually cheaper than legal drugs? did you know that the government still want more money in the country when they dont even care about free health care? They dont care if you are seriously injuried..they just want your money first before they can fix you up, if not, then you are left dead. China has more doctors and nurses than America do due to free health care. Africa has more doctors and nurses than America do due to free health care as well. They are paid by the goverment, but here, the doctors are paid by the patients instead. Thats part of why our taxes always sucks. America is too soft on criminals while other countries tend to be tough on criminals, giving them a life long sentence or a quick death penality. Admit it, America is definetly one of the worst countries ever even though it's very rich and powerful but poorly organized and very greedy. America is a very snotty and unfriendly country.

Er...before you bellyache about America at least get your facts straight...

Your blurb about health care in Africa and China is laughable. The care is substandard and if you got cancer or any unusual thing, you can kiss it goodbye unless you have influence or money. Interesting, most don't have the influence or money so they perish. BTW - The doctors and nurses aren't paid much and aren't educated enough too. For common everyday simple maladies that is fine but not for any serious issues.

As for us being soft on criminals, we are tougher than Europeans as we do capital punishment (they don't and in fact get on our case because of it) and we incarcinate at a much higher rate and for much longer (they prefer handslaps for punishment...ooooh the devil made me do it mentality). Only China and some other very strict countries are even tougher than us.

Now, I agree we have a materialism problem in this country but all things take time to correct itself. When the people had enough, things will change especially in the realm of things that are important like health care, energy policy, and so on.

I was young once and thought the grass was greener on the other side. I found out it isn't. I have one question for you...Why are people rushing to come here and we're thinking about putting up a wall to stop illegal immigrants? It all about jobs and trying to make a living plus opportunites in America.

Yes, we have problems like any other place but for all of America's warts and faults...America is still an ideal that people aspire to live...

If you don't like it, please leave and remember to shut the door behind you.
Steel X said:
Even though I'm an american, I find it kind of selfish for some people saying "God bless America and no place else!"
I've never heard anyone say that. Where did you hear that? I've only heard, "God bless America"--I've never heard anyone say, "and no place else."

...they only think of their country and not others like Africa, Iraqi and other countries that are suffering from disease, hunger, and money loss, etc...
Americans provide most of the overseas relief and support to poor, undevelped countries. We send money, medical teams, food, agriculture specialists, etc. to many other countries, at our expense.

... they dont even bless the other countries like France and England for their help in the wars and all.
We certainly do. What makes you think that Americans didn't thank and bless other countries for their support?

...Did u know that illegal drugs are actually cheaper than legal drugs?
Depends on the drug. Also, did you know that illegal drugs don't go thru years of testing and clinical trials to ensure safety for consumers, and that there are no standards of safety or purity for illegal drugs?

They dont care if you are seriously injuried..they just want your money first before they can fix you up, if not, then you are left dead.
"They" who? Who was left for dead in America?, the doctors are paid by the patients instead.
Or their insurance companies, or our taxes.

...America is too soft on criminals while other countries tend to be tough on criminals, giving them a life long sentence or a quick death penality.
Huh? That's the opposite of what I read at AD. Most of the posters complain that America still uses capital punishment, and that the "advanced" Europeans and rest of the world have abandoned it. Which is it?

Admit it, America is definetly one of the worst countries ever even though it's very rich and powerful but poorly organized and very greedy. America is a very snotty and unfriendly country.
I'm not admitting that because it's not true.
Damn right.. good posting!!!!! :)

sr171soars said:
Er...before you bellyache about America at least get your facts straight...

Your blurb about health care in Africa and China is laughable. The care is substandard and if you got cancer or any unusual thing, you can kiss it goodbye unless you have influence or money. Interesting, most don't have the influence or money so they perish. BTW - The doctors and nurses aren't paid much and aren't educated enough too. For common everyday simple maladies that is fine but not for any serious issues.

As for us being soft on criminals, we are tougher than Europeans as we do capital punishment (they don't and in fact get on our case because of it) and we incarcinate at a much higher rate and for much longer (they prefer handslaps for punishment...ooooh the devil made me do it mentality). Only China and some other very strict countries are even tougher than us.

Now, I agree we have a materialism problem in this country but all things take time to correct itself. When the people had enough, things will change especially in the realm of things that are important like health care, energy policy, and so on.

I was young once and thought the grass was greener on the other side. I found out it isn't. I have one question for you...Why are people rushing to come here and we're thinking about putting up a wall to stop illegal immigrants? It all about jobs and trying to make a living plus opportunites in America.

Yes, we have problems like any other place but for all of America's warts and faults...America is still an ideal that people aspire to live...

If you don't like it, please leave and remember to shut the door behind you.

But we need more strict laws on child molesters that is.. they should be in prision forever period!
Heath said:
I am an American through good and bad times. No matter what. I am an American. People who run to Canada are cowards anyways and America does not need cowards. After all, This is The Land and The Home of the Brave. :cool:

Then don't complain about them moving to Canada!
FelixKat930 said:
But we need more strict laws on child molesters that is.. they should be in prision forever period!
I would totally agree with you on that. We also need more strict laws on child abuse, too, and police who believe child abuse reports.