Is it $25 or $250?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I remember one time about 2 years ago, I went to a garage sale. I found a 1994 Honda Elite moped in a non running condition. IT was complete and had title. I asked much. The seller signed "25". I also tried to read lip to make sure I read it right. I eventually asked the seller to write it down. Yes, it was $25!!!! So obviously I bought it for $25.

I just had to be sure that the seller said $25. No one in right mind would sell a complete 1994 Honda Elite moped running or not for $25. I was surprised to get it for $25.

Usually, when I go to flea markets and garage sales and ask seller how much and they sign "25", I know that means $25. However, for this one, I just want to be sure.
Not sure the point of this thread.... I think you answered your own question, it was $25. Do you have it in your possession?
i remember one time about 2 years ago, i went to a garage sale. I found a 1994 honda elite moped in a non running condition. It was complete and had title. I asked much. The seller signed "25". I also tried to read lip to make sure i read it right. I eventually asked the seller to write it down. Yes, it was $25!!!! So obviously i bought it for $25.

I just had to be sure that the seller said $25. No one in right mind would sell a complete 1994 honda elite moped running or not for $25. I was surprised to get it for $25.

Usually, when i go to flea markets and garage sales and ask seller how much and they sign "25", i know that means $25. However, for this one, i just want to be sure.

I remember one time about 2 years ago, I went to a garage sale. I found a 1994 Honda Elite moped in a non running condition. IT was complete and had title. I asked much. The seller signed "25". I also tried to read lip to make sure I read it right. I eventually asked the seller to write it down. Yes, it was $25!!!! So obviously I bought it for $25.

I just had to be sure that the seller said $25. No one in right mind would sell a complete 1994 Honda Elite moped running or not for $25. I was surprised to get it for $25.

Usually, when I go to flea markets and garage sales and ask seller how much and they sign "25", I know that means $25. However, for this one, I just want to be sure.

I wouldn't have needed to go that far, seeing as how VASTLY different 25 is on the hand vs 250.
I cannot really lip read so I have to ask seller all the times to sign or write down price. Some sellers don't know how to sign even the numbers!! Therefore, they have to write it down. So in the moped case, I understood the seller when she signed 25, but I wanted to be sure so I had to have her write it down.
At a loss? By 25 cents?

I can see it now...

Person offers $24.75.. He goes off exasperated bellowing "I paid $25 for this thing, I must get at least $25 for this thing!" before storming off into his garage leaving the customer standing going "WTF?!" in the driveway.
Anyone who knows motorcycles or moped know that this one is worth a lot more than $25. That is why I had to make sure I understood the seller right.
I cannot really lip read so I have to ask seller all the times to sign or write down price. Some sellers don't know how to sign even the numbers!! Therefore, they have to write it down. So in the moped case, I understood the seller when she signed 25, but I wanted to be sure so I had to have her write it down.

Anyone who knows motorcycles or moped know that this one is worth a lot more than $25. That is why I had to make sure I understood the seller right.

I don't know. therefore aliens.
Anyone who knows motorcycles or moped know that this one is worth a lot more than $25. That is why I had to make sure I understood the seller right.

Well... If I was offered that deal, my first question would have been "Whats wrong with the moped?" instead of "$25 or $250?"...
Do anyone realize that when a hearing person signs "2" "5", they may have been trying to say $75?I am sure it may have happened to some of you.
If a hearie attempts to sign 75, then he should have put up "5" on one hand, "2" on another simultaneously then "5" on one hand. If he simply is trying to sign 25, then "2" then "5" is the way to go.

Sorry, but I don't think I had experienced this with confusion yet.
Ok, I sooo don't understand what this is supposed to be about. Are you asking a question of readers or simply typing out a thought that was 2 years in the making?
Ok, I sooo don't understand what this is supposed to be about. Are you asking a question of readers or simply typing out a thought that was 2 years in the making?

You don't buy and sell so I would not really expect you to understand what this thread is about anyway.