It's not 2008 yet for those in the west coast (well it'll be 2008 there in few mins anyway, ha)
God, I can't believe I'm such a party pooper, lol. I worked for 10 hours today and came home to do things. So, I thought I'd lay down on the couch and watch tv for a bit since the kids were out of the house tonight. Somehow, I zonked out while I was watching tv and missed ringing into 2008, ha.
It's bad enough now that I'm unable to go back to sleep after having like 3 hours nap. It's gonna be an all nighter for me, lol.
Anyway, Happy New Year's to Everyone. Don't drink and drive. Be safe.
Happy New Year 2008 everyone!!! The year 2007 have gone by quickly before my eyes. I hope I will remember the year on my checks before my bills were due soon.