Is it 2008 yet?


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Yep!! :applause: Here's to the brand New Year of 2008!! :dance2:
*checks calendar*

Whoa... it's 2008 already!? Where did the time go!?

Well, Happy New Year! :)
It's not 2008 yet for those in the west coast (well it'll be 2008 there in few mins anyway, ha)

God, I can't believe I'm such a party pooper, lol. I worked for 10 hours today and came home to do things. So, I thought I'd lay down on the couch and watch tv for a bit since the kids were out of the house tonight. Somehow, I zonked out while I was watching tv and missed ringing into 2008, ha.

It's bad enough now that I'm unable to go back to sleep after having like 3 hours nap. It's gonna be an all nighter for me, lol.

Anyway, Happy New Year's to Everyone. Don't drink and drive. Be safe. :thumb:
Happy New Year 2008! everyone.
Happy New Year Everyone! :thumb:
Yep it's 2008 here!

Have a terrific 2008

I hope everyone here at AllDeaf enjoys wonderful times in the year to come.
Happy New Year 2008 everyone!!! The year 2007 have gone by quickly before my eyes. I hope I will remember the year on my checks before my bills were due soon. :cool:
Good Bye to 2007... Here's brand new year of 2008.

I will not forget the great treasures memories moments year of 2007. Btw Rest the peace 2007!
Hope 2008 will bring us all happiness, joy and peace throughout the year. :fingersx:

Happy 2008 everyone!!! :grouphug: come on Rick48, join the huggies. :giggle:
Hey! Yeppie!!! Happy New year to Y'all to my dear friend! :grouphug:

Angel, there is always LOVE is still there not go away! remmy that! :)
I looked outside and it don't look like 2008 to me. It's still 1990. tee-hee.