Is God Perfect?

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Liebling, Instead of saying "this is not from my bible" You're reading JW's, that's not your Religious, why follow that bible if it's not your Religious, it does not make no sense. no offended.

Leibling, I have mentioned this to you once before and I don't like repeating stuff because we are all supposed to be adults here. You always say that you "collect" stuff/points of views/philosophy from different books, friends, etc out of respect. for them. But where is the "respect" for yourself? I think that is what some of us are asking. What is the guiding factor of your own life; nevermind everyone else? You have had many years to make a decision for what is the one central belief that guides and nutures your own life? It is okay to see what others say, etc but what is dear to YOUR own heart?
:gpost: Thank you very much to bring this attention, Tousi!

Leibling, I have mentioned this to you once before and I don't like repeating stuff because we are all supposed to be adults here. You always say that you "collect" stuff/points of views/philosophy from different books, friends, etc out of respect. for them. But where is the "respect" for yourself? I think that is what some of us are asking. What is the guiding factor of your own life; nevermind everyone else? You have had many years to make a decision for what is the one central belief that guides and nutures your own life? It is okay to see what others say, etc but what is dear to YOUR own heart?
Can you point out to me where I said that Adam and Eve were over 10,000 year old?

And remember death didn't exist until they took that bite.

You said... "1 day? 1 year? 10 year? 10,000 year? a million year?"

I was just figuratively speaking.

As for death, that would be impossible. If death didn't exist, Earth would have been overpopulated in a short time.
... If death didn't exist, Earth would have been overpopulated in a short time.
Not necessarily. We don't know what God had originally planned about the human birth rate. :)
Job whine why this is happening or whine what did he do wrong to make God angry at him to allow this happen but he never said cursed at God ie It all your fault God! You did this to me God! I am not gonna be faithful to you anymore God!


Of course Job wouldn't dare to do anything stupid because God spoke to him. If God was speaking to me, I would do the same thing like Job by dont questioning God instead accept him because I would know God have the power to either destory me or restoring everything back to me.

Can you point out to me where I said that Adam and Eve were over 10,000 year old?

And remember death didn't exist until they took that bite.


Damn *bleep* We have to suffer all because of these stupid human beings!!
Of course Job wouldn't dare to do anything stupid because God spoke to him. If God was speaking to me, I would do the same thing like Job by dont questioning God instead accept him because I would know God have the power to either destory me or restoring everything back to me.

Damn *bleep* We have to suffer all because of these stupid human beings!!

Alot of people that God spoke to even turned their back on God. Adam and Eve did and they spoke with God. Just cause God spoke with you don't mean you would have done right thing each time..

We suffer because of our own stupidity too. However, Jesus was only one that did right thing at all times and still he suffered too. Which would you say got the worse of it? Jesus or us??
Alot of people that God spoke to even turned their back on God. Adam and Eve did and they spoke with God. Just cause God spoke with you don't mean you would have done right thing each time..

We suffer because of our own stupidity too. However, Jesus was only one that did right thing at all times and still he suffered too. Which would you say got the worse of it? Jesus or us??

Billions of people have to suffer because of two goofs messed it up. Okay.

You can't compare Jesus' sufferings to other people. There are many people who suffered the worst than Jesus. Jeez.
You can't compare Jesus' sufferings to other people. There are many people who suffered the worst than Jesus. Jeez.

Jesus never done anything wrong, he did not deserved to be punished for our sins, we should being punished for our own sins. So yes, Jesus got worst than we ever will or ever did.

Since Jesus loves us this much to die for our sins, that means so much more than any humankind would ever do.
Jesus never done anything wrong, he did not deserved to be punished for our sins, we should being punished for our sins. So yes, Jesus got worst than we ever will or ever did.

Since Jesus loves us this much to die for our sins, that means so much more than any humankind would ever do.

Historically, there are millions of innocents who suffered and die for no reasons. I can name you few.. Crusaders, Massacre of Native Americans, Iraq War..

Hint: all of these were done in name of God ;)

FYI, Jesus wasn't only person who love us so much that he died for us. There are many good people who willing to die for others. Our US soilders are good example
Historically, there are millions of innocents who suffered and die for no reasons. I can name you few.. Crusaders, Massacre of Native Americans, Iraq War..

Hint: all of these were done in name of God ;)

See? You just blamed God. You're just wasting my time. Read post #221.
lumbingmi said:
FYI, Jesus wasn't only person who love us so much that he died for us. There are many good people who willing to die for others. Our US soilders are good example

Jesus was SINLESS, lived his whole life without sin
The US Soliders are SINNERS, lived their life with sins.

US Solider did NOT die for our sins, they fought for our country.

Jesus died for our sins of all humanity.
Nobody is perfect.

If God is perfect, then why he has created some imperfect human beings like Deaf people?

In summary, it does not make sense to me.
Nobody is perfect.

If God is perfect, then why he has created some imperfect human beings like Deaf people?

In summary, it does not make sense to me.
Who is perfect? Are you saying hearing people are perfect and deaf people are not?

Nobody on this earth is perfect.
See? You just blamed God. You're just wasting my time. Read post #221.

I did not blame God. I blame groups who exploited weak people in name of God. These are two different things.

Jesus was SINLESS, lived his whole life without sin
The US Soliders are SINNERS, lived their life with sins.

US Solider did NOT die for our sins, they fought for our country.

Jesus died for our sins of all humanity.

Oh now you re talking about die for sinners not for love ones. Okay I got it.
Remember....we were founded as a Christian nation.

Isn't it amazing it s the very same religion group condone slavery and oppression of women. :dunno:

Nobody is perfect.

If God is perfect, then why he has created some imperfect human beings like Deaf people?

In summary, it does not make sense to me.

My advice don't mention "logic". It will throw them in a loop :giggle:

Who is perfect? Are you saying hearing people are perfect and deaf people are not?

Nobody on this earth is perfect.

Yup no one is perfect. Agreed.
Who is perfect? Are you saying hearing people are perfect and deaf people are not?

Nobody on this earth is perfect.

No. I said nobody was perfect. It means all kinds of people.
No. I said nobody was perfect. It means all kinds of people.
Did you bothered to read post #221? or the entire thread, or just the first post of this thread?
In the beginning, God did created two wonderful 'perfect' beings...then once the disobedience set in (taking the fruit from the forbidden tree via the temptation), sin made 'man' imperfect--.

In the beginning, God did created two wonderful 'perfect' beings...then once the disobedience set in (taking the fruit from the forbidden tree via the temptation), sin made 'man' imperfect--.

I don't think they "get it" we've been saying this from first page to the end of this page.
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