Is getting food thrown at you legal?


Oct 14, 2006
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I was collecting my plate of food at a senior center and moved on to get napkins and straws. suddenly a bag of fruits, mayonnaise and mustered packets landed beside my tray with a loud boom, hitting my hand and tray. I turned to the server and told her twice never throw food at me again. the server told my wife she tried to tell me to pick up the bag of food. instead she throws or toss it 7 feet towards me landing beside my hands. she could have knocked my drink over or could have landed in my food. After the server told my wife she tried to tell me and my wife told her I was deaf. We got ticked off and took our food home. My blood pressure was through the roof. Would you guys think the server is breaking the law? We had some trouble with this server before like singling us out. What should I do? is there a service that might train all the staff how to handle disability or is there someone that could contact the bosses regarding to this treatment? I could have had a stroke being pissed. something isn't right
It seems like you have had slot of unpleasant experiences at this place. Is there not anywhere else to socialize that might be more civil or if there are people here you enjoy hanging out with perhaps make plans to meet elsewhere.
It seems like you have had slot of unpleasant experiences at this place. Is there not anywhere else to socialize that might be more civil or if there are people here you enjoy hanging out with perhaps make plans to meet elsewhere.
everyone has a good heart. making a possible chronic bipolar, manic depressive food server loose her job breaks my heart. I rather request advisability training of all staff in all of the county. can I do that? is there a professional who could educate the staff of multiple senor centers in a large county?
everyone has a good heart. making a possible chronic bipolar, manic depressive food server loose her job breaks my heart. I rather request advisability training of all staff in all of the county. can I do that? is there a professional who could educate the staff of multiple senor centers in a large county?

I would write a negative review on their Yelp page, and I would guarantee you 99% that employee's supervisor read it and then call whole team meeting or re-do the training on how to treat customers right, otherwise business is going downfall.
I would write a negative review on their Yelp page, and I would guarantee you 99% that employee's supervisor read it and then call whole team meeting or re-do the training on how to treat customers right, otherwise business is going downfall.
My center isn't on yelp. I think I'll have to create one on yelp. but thanks for the idea. they'll probably know it's from me. I may worry about the consequence of posting a negative view which could state the center illegally violated a persons right. a whistleblower of illegal activity might have consequences. what other yelp like sites could I use. wouldn't better business bureau be better. Isn't that something more powerful?
I might have thrown the food right back at her...then cause a food fight...Seriously, there is no excuse for adults throwing food at each other.....Must be an underlaying reason the lady did this...and thought she could get by with it....Is the Lady retarded or something?...or has a "beef" with you for some reason(s)….as for myself? I would not go back there...find another center.
I might have thrown the food right back at her...then cause a food fight...Seriously, there is no excuse for adults throwing food at each other.....Must be an underlaying reason the lady did this...and thought she could get by with it....Is the Lady retarded or something?...or has a "beef" with you for some reason(s)….as for myself? I would not go back there...find another center.

You are forgetting about small towns where there is not more than one center.

Isn't there a supervisor that Presbyter could talk to about staff treatment of the deaf etc.?
You are forgetting about small towns where there is not more than one center.

Isn't there a supervisor that Presbyter could talk to about staff treatment of the deaf etc.?

The OP did not say he lives in a small town but it makes no difference. If the manager/owner does not resolve this situation, I'm definitely not coming back period. No way I would allow anyone to treat me like this... it is totally unprofessional.
The OP did not say he lives in a small town but it makes no difference. If the manager/owner does not resolve this situation, I'm definitely not coming back period. No way I would allow anyone to treat me like this... it is totally unprofessional.

My point about the small town was in answer to rockin'robin suggesting going to a different center. Small places can be lucky to have one senior center.

I have no disagreement with the idea of not going back if the management does not resolve it.
If a server threw food at you deliberately, then it is an assault. If it happens to me, I would inform a manager.
Report it to the management...if you have a witness(s)...good!...and still, I would not go back there....if they don't fire the person that did telling what she might do later on......
Fron experience, it is more likely disorderly conduct than assault and battery, depending on who’s discretion makes what call. So yes, she could be arrested if you decide to press charges against her. The only way you could sue her is if there are damages involved, like if she burned you with hot sauce. Just be prepared if it evolves into a legal mess.
I could meet the POS in the parking lot after his shift.
that don't sound legal whatever you mean. I think I got her boss's boss's boss's boss attention and she may deal with that personally. or maybe not. just in case, who do I need to call to cover my own ass?

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If a server threw food at you deliberately, then it is an assault. If it happens to me, I would inform a manager.
I think the food server was trying to help me by tossing a pound of baggage near me. I strongly believe she didn't have any attention to let the baggage get that close. I didn't grab the baggage along with my sandwich. she probably got distracted cause she gave me the wrong sandwich and asked me to return it for the right sandwich. she probably was distracted by something and forgot to give me the baggies. I might have offended her with how I said the word "turkey". maybe not. I had to worry about saying "turkey", nicely, like hearing people do and got too distracted to grab the baggy along with my sandwich knowing she isn't a respectful person. they bless my food at the start and the server unblesses my food afterward. food served to me by a toxic person that bullies people. It offended me to have the bag thrown towards me in front of everybody. I'm not sure what kind of assault it is nor sure how to report it. it was rude and embarrassing to me. Now with having her reported, the environment seems more dangerous. I've had my share with a person with mental illness, elsewhere. The server made the environment unsafe. her possible denial of my request of not throwing food at me, I believe she had no attention of apologizing nor did the manger apologize. I think the server has a mental illness that could become a liability. I would suggest the company give her another job that doesn't require public contact. she doesn't seem to treat other people well.
I'm taking a month off. I worry about consequences of all this.
Report it to the management...if you have a witness(s)...good!...and still, I would not go back there....if they don't fire the person that did telling what she might do later on......
My point about the small town was in answer to rockin'robin suggesting going to a different center. Small places can be lucky to have one senior center.

I have no disagreement with the idea of not going back if the management does not resolve it.
how does meals on wheels work? what qualifications do I need to get meals delivered to me? I'm required to involve in something socially at the center. not just eat and leave. would that require an interpreter?
The OP did not say he lives in a small town but it makes no difference. If the manager/owner does not resolve this situation, I'm definitely not coming back period. No way I would allow anyone to treat me like this... it is totally unprofessional.
then I'll need to step up and get my rights back. I don't know who to call for my next step. small town, big county. many towns in that county. the center is run by the county. Who can I call in case they don't work it out? city Mayer or state governor?
leaving is an option. I either pay $20 a month for my wife and I to eat at the center.
pay $20 a day for us to eat elsewhere.

Why would I want to do that over the server's temperament? It's likely things will change when I do come back. no telling what the consequences will be. it could get weird where no one will want to socialize with me at a social center. I think many likes the server. it could be us she don't like.