Is CC problems the TV station or my service?


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Oct 10, 2011
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:wave:When I am watching a program the CC starts off fine. Then minutes later it just stops. If I rewind live tv or change the channel and come back to my program it starts working again. Then it happens over and over. Is it the TV station or at this time AT&T who provides my service. Any help would be appreciated.
I blame the cable company. But it could be the originator, the satellite, the rebroadcaster, the something or other. The problem is much worse with high def channels.
I blame the cable company. But it could be the originator, the satellite, the rebroadcaster, the something or other. The problem is much worse with high def channels.

Thank you, I think????? We are cancelling our service with AT&T this weekend due to their crazy price increase of $55. Maybe Wave will be better.
Or you can just start using over-the-air antenna. I watch TV that way, all in HD and the captioning is often great.
In my case, it's the airplanes. Doesn't matter if you have antenna, cable or satellite, due to how close we are to the airport, everything gets scrambled, picture and captioning. We are on the flight path and I live 1 mile away from the runway. The planes are close enough, we see the cables and such in the wheel wells and I've even waved to people looking out the windows.
In my case, it's the airplanes. Doesn't matter if you have antenna, cable or satellite, due to how close we are to the airport, everything gets scrambled, picture and captioning. We are on the flight path and I live 1 mile away from the runway. The planes are close enough, we see the cables and such in the wheel wells and I've even waved to people looking out the windows.

Wow, thats pretty darn close. How do the other members of your family sleep through all that? Thats the one time being deaf is a little perk:)
Wow, thats pretty darn close. How do the other members of your family sleep through all that? Thats the one time being deaf is a little perk:)

Well - this house is pretty sound-proof. FIL had it built to specific conditions and this house and the garage we are converting are the only ones built like this. They are quiet inside.

The neighbors, not so much. The airport switches runways after 10pm then instead of landing, they take off. The take off is quieter since they take off farther away and are pretty well up there by the time they get over our house. Then it's reversed again at 8am.

The house and garage are built with concrete block, rebar shot through the ground 6 feet down and the spaces in the block are then filled with cement. Both building can withstand winds of up to 160 MPH.
Wow, thats pretty darn close. How do the other members of your family sleep through all that? Thats the one time being deaf is a little perk:)

You learn to ignore it. I live in a fairly small community of around 15,000 or so and we have trains instead. The home where my grandparents lived and my mother and her brothers & sisters grew up is 3 blocks from the tracks. At one time it was 5-6 lines; not sure what it is now even though I go over them frequently. But what was the IC is no longer double track - that was 1 going north & 1 south on same route. When a great aunt who lived in Washington, DC would visit she really noticed the trains and when one of my aunts visited in DC she noticed the city traffic.
I live about 10 miles from NAS Naval base. It's not the air traffic messing up our cc's....(it doesn't happen very often). I believe it's the TV station...

I used to live outside of Jax, and the Navy planes...flew very low...drove me crazy with the roar, roar, roar!...But they have to "practice", regardless. I made a complaint to the Navy base about the planes flowing so low....and the Commander told me...."ur deaf!...You can't hear them! So what are you complaining about?"....Oh well!...They (the Navy) even flew very low on Sunday's and even the Holidays.....
Or you can just start using over-the-air antenna. I watch TV that way, all in HD and the captioning is often great.

I find that some stations are better at making sure their CC in working . I use to watch channel 7 for news but their CC is not very reliable , I found channel 5 CC to more reliable. I put on pubic TV for my granddaughter channel 217 which is a kids station and they never have any CC! I called the station and reported this and was told they would put CC on, it never happen! I think that is awful public TV for kids having no CC!
I find that some stations are better at making sure their CC in working . I use to watch channel 7 for news but their CC is not very reliable , I found channel 5 CC to more reliable. I put on pubic TV for my granddaughter channel 217 which is a kids station and they never have any CC! I called the station and reported this and was told they would put CC on, it never happen! I think that is awful public TV for kids having no CC!

Or you can just start using over-the-air antenna. I watch TV that way, all in HD and the captioning is often great.

Even OTA can be a little wonky sometimes. We get both Washington and Baltimore stations. For some reason, "House" on the DC station often will not show the captions, but when we switch to channel 45 out of Baltimore, it' s fine. Same thing with NBC once in a while. Channel 4 out of DC will be missing the captions, but switch to channel 11, and it's fine.

Like "whatdidyousay," we also have noticed that sometimes the PBS kid's sub-channel does not carry the captions.
Or you can just start using over-the-air antenna. I watch TV that way, all in HD and the captioning is often great.

Which brand over-the-air antenna works for you? I've contact Comcast about the c.c. problems so much I'll soon contact FCC and NAD. The deaf can either keep quiet (and continue to suffer) or fight back against poor c.c. service.
Go to or for some guidance. Or just go to the closest Radio Shack and see what they have.

If you are pretty close to a large city, you should be fine with just about anything, but if you don't want an antenna sitting on top of your tv, then you will have to run the wiring through the wall, which can be a pain. Either a set-top antenna or something up in the attic connected by through the wall wiring will work, though.
:wave:When I am watching a program the CC starts off fine. Then minutes later it just stops. If I rewind live tv or change the channel and come back to my program it starts working again. Then it happens over and over. Is it the TV station or at this time AT&T who provides my service. Any help would be appreciated.


What hasn't been told is your connections. How is your TV connected?

I have a Google TV which is connected to Dish Network.Initially,we had SD programming and the closed captioning was enabled by the tv.

We now have upgraded to include HD programming also. This involved getting new receivers. So,nowadays,the ccs are enabled through the satellite

Because of the new setup,if I record a soap opera on my DVD/VCR player,the ccs embed and are visible during playback. However,older DVDs/
tapes,recorded with the former setup,will not show ccs.

I think we could give you better advice if we knew about your connections.
:wave:When I am watching a program the CC starts off fine. Then minutes later it just stops. If I rewind live tv or change the channel and come back to my program it starts working again. Then it happens over and over. Is it the TV station or at this time AT&T who provides my service. Any help would be appreciated.

There are too many variables. is it ALL the channels? or just a selected few? Do you use att equipment to rewind live shows or tivo? Have you tried connecting cable directly to tv without the boxes? new cable from tv to wall? different outlet if you have one? etc etc etc... List can go on and on.
Which brand over-the-air antenna works for you? I've contact Comcast about the c.c. problems so much I'll soon contact FCC and NAD. The deaf can either keep quiet (and continue to suffer) or fight back against poor c.c. service.

Channel Master is pretty much the best out of all.

They are very durable.
Or you can just start using over-the-air antenna. I watch TV that way, all in HD and the captioning is often great.

Most of the time, rural doesn't have HD on OTA. If she/he is luck to have one in her/his local.
Most of the time, rural doesn't have HD on OTA. If she/he is luck to have one in her/his local.

A lot of people living in rural communities watch HD programming on their TV via OTA. What made you think they don't get it in HD?
A lot of people living in rural communities watch HD programming on their TV via OTA. What made you think they don't get it in HD?

Not sure what PowerON means by rural. I am about 80 miles from the St. Louis broadcast antenna farm in Southern Illinois and DO get HD OTA from there. The only station that is a problem to receive at all is Channel 9 — the PBS station that is now broadcasting with such a decrease in power since digital came in that they are hard to get many, many places.

I have never had cable or satellite and am currently using a Channel Master Model 4221HD ULTRAtenna 4-Bay. This is labeled HD DIGITAL/UHF but picks up Channel 8, a PBS station that is on VHF but with a tower is not in the same location as the studios but closer to me. Forgot to mention that there is also an amp and rotor as part of the system but rotor is not currently having to be adjusted.

Also, Roca and radioman have brought up many good questions as the problems could be from a number of different things.
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A lot of people living in rural communities watch HD programming on their TV via OTA. What made you think they don't get it in HD?

Last time I tried set up OTA with HD for friend in rural area which is 50 miles away from San Antonio, it receive the standard, none HD available.