Sign language is NOT a 'concept' it is a REAL language thank you very much, also as for the internet 'phenomenon' same goes for Anything, the thing is the
'internet age' as i might say (others more 'offical terms might be information age") ... it doesnt really REALLY allow information flow, it does however, opens up abit but moreso it opens to new ways of trading (information) for $$...and fetishising many curious things/activity about, in the world. I dont believe it preserves, because to REALLY preserve thet language is HAS to be USED daily in ordinary lives (or weekly, whatever float the deaf individuals boat) but it is prefered to be used as the 'norm' not as some 'i can sign' as a 'cool status' which is basically where it lands for Most HEARING people, CODAs might feeling it about different though, as it was their parents language , including 'homesigns' which could be mistaken as 'grassroots culture'...anyway
just because theres internet, dont kid us, its arent 'that' safe...its just a novelty to most internet users, nothing more...
after all, it IS under threat, look at school, how many younger people are most oralised..
it is something to be alarmed about...moreso whats really alarming it the mental and social health of Deaf youth is No different as in the is still Mainstream and mainstream means cutting off signs from linguistic exposure. Whereas on internet, (ok some are good) but it doesnt cut it it doesnt provide REAL exposure. it had to be used in REAL LIFE....always.