I'm not pregnant but my cousin is expecting a baby on my birthday3 days before Pinky's little arrival
Congratulations, Pinky and Lake Tahoe.
How long have you had your morning sickness? What are your cravings?
I found out that I was pregnant in April and didn't know that I was 2 months already. It just happened. We didn't planned this. It was shocking for all of us. lol
I'm in the same shoes as u. I didn't know I was pregnant til i figured out around 8 weeks.... until i felt more queasy nausea often which wasn't normal and realized i missed 2nd month of period. so i took HPT and it is positive.
I only had 1 morning sickness. cravings.... watermelon and ice cream but i stop eating icecream.
Enjoy your pregnancy journey. Im gonna have a girl and due on nov 16th.