Iraq: Stay or Leave?

Should we stay or should we go?

  • As long it takes, we stay

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Get hell out of Iraq

    Votes: 45 67.2%

  • Total voters
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Problem with China is that China sits on the Security council of the U.N.

Russia also blocked Sudan sanctions last year. Human Right officials have been accused Russia and China of feeding Sudan nothing but the arms and blood. The UN is completely worthless, corrupted, ineffective and a very expensive organization. My cousin works for one of the UN organizations. My friend is an UN peacekeeper and often makes fun of the UN Security Council System. As a former diplobrat, There had been nonstop talks about Rwanda at the US Embassy, and they knew what was going on over there. It was just that nobody wanted to go there to help because of the Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk down). The UN should be ashamed for Rwanda's genocide. I'd say the UN is too limited and the Security council should be removed. However, I am an advocate of the humanitarian aid.
I'd like to say GET OUT but no - we gota finish what we start. I lost a good friend there. I almost lost another too. If we leave now, we will have to come back again in few or several years. Remember - this is 2nd time we're in Iraq. I guarantee you that the future Iraq War is NOT going to be pretty.

The problem about Iraq situation now is that it's a Sectarian state. The concept of central government and election (in other word... democracy) is too new to them and it's not going to work in Middle East for a long time. They are just not ready for democracy. USA needs to stop preaching about democracy and installing its concept of democracy in Iraq. They need to figure out how to make it fair for all sects in Iraq.

Problem is - 2 of sects control the lands that have abundant of oils which means they have more money than other sects and more money means more weapons and muscle which means more power.

We should not have executed Saddam Hussein. At least Saddam kept his country under control and had electricity/water working.
I agree with you Jirco. I don't have any lose friends in war. They are coming back and safe. I know War is no fun but need to be free from dictator control the country. I am happy about Saddam is in the hell now. But we need to find 1 more Osama Bin Laden to get capture real soon! We need to find many suspect terrorism too. I really hate world's dictator in the countries! They are so enemies! Many Liberal people have no idea about Iraq and Iran and other countries have a dangerous weapons and can kill all people in the world. I don't want our America to get destroy by Terrorism. I want our America to be safe. God is in control. God is protect our country. You know Iran people do hate Jewish and want to kill all Jewish. That where Jesus' homeland. It's go be crazy! Remember the Ribbon of "MOW PIA" it mean never forget about the wars. It always be war for long times never stop. We are fighting for freedom from the evil government and dictators.
Last year, Iraqi oil brought in $50 billion in revenues. Congress is mulling over whether to bill the Iraqis for our saving them from Saddam.

What's price tag should we put on freedom?
Last year, Iraqi oil brought in $50 billion in revenues. Congress is mulling over whether to bill the Iraqis for our saving them from Saddam.

What's price tag should we put on freedom?

4,064 American soldiers' lives. God bless them.
That's good question. Saudi Arab is own a biggest oils in the world. Damn Arab is control the oil over world and other countries! Saudi Arab's top rank oils, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Iran, Azerbaijan, Syria, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, and more in Middle East. That what I read "TIME" and National Geography Magazines about "BIGGEST OIL in the WORLD"

I have no idea about price tag. :dunno2:

Last year, Iraqi oil brought in $50 billion in revenues. Congress is mulling over whether to bill the Iraqis for our saving them from Saddam.

What's price tag should we put on freedom?
That's good question. Saudi Arab is own a biggest oils in the world. Damn Arab is control the oil over world and other countries! Saudi Arab's top rank oils, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Iran, Azerbaijan, Syria, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, and more in Middle East. That what I read "TIME" and National Geography Magazines about "BIGGEST OIL in the WORLD"

I have no idea about price tag. :dunno2:

However, we, Canadians are still the US's biggest oil supplier, not Saudi Arabia like many are misled to believe.
However, we, Canadians are still the US's biggest oil supplier, not Saudi Arabia like many are misled to believe.

Yeah, Canada got the oil from Saudi Arab too. Oil are in everywhere in the world. And many many DRILLS on every grounds too.
Yeah, Canada got the oil from Saudi Arab too. Oil are in everywhere in the world. And many many DRILLS on every grounds too.

I said that Canada is the biggest oil supplier (exporter) to the USA, not Saudi Arabia.
You are correct, Banjo: Canada, as a country and not as a region, supplies most of the oil imported into the U.S.

(Year To Date)
2,463,000 barrells per day - Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq)
1,618,412 sq miles

1,863,000 barrells per day - Canada
6,204,186 sq miles

Cheaper to import to a country next door than it is halfway around the world.

Canada's Oil Reserves 2nd Only To Saudi Arabia

Oil prices increasing? Let's invade Canada next!

"Blame Canada, blame Canada
They're not even a real country anyway!"
You are correct, Banjo: Canada, as a country and not as a region, supplies most of the oil imported into the U.S.

(Year To Date)
2,463,000 barrells per day - Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq)
1,618,412 sq miles

1,863,000 barrells per day - Canada
6,204,186 sq miles

Cheaper to import to a country next door than it is halfway around the world.

Canada's Oil Reserves 2nd Only To Saudi Arabia

Oil prices increasing? Let's invade Canada next!

"Blame Canada, blame Canada
They're not even a real country anyway

:lol: You're bad! Banjo might not like it! :lol:
Stay for least until Iraqi security and army able to have a square chance. There will be no winner....only a fading out....they have to be able to repel Iran, too.
Insults those who died to just pull out cuz of some people's desire at a dreamy utopia.
We have an investment of getting our foot in the door in the region.
The only viable and logical decision right now is to divide Iraq to 4 sects and figure out how to redistribute profits earned from oil fields evenly among them.
You are correct, Banjo: Canada, as a country and not as a region, supplies most of the oil imported into the U.S.

(Year To Date)
2,463,000 barrells per day - Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq)
1,618,412 sq miles

1,863,000 barrells per day - Canada
6,204,186 sq miles

Cheaper to import to a country next door than it is halfway around the world.

Canada's Oil Reserves 2nd Only To Saudi Arabia

Oil prices increasing? Let's invade Canada next!

"Blame Canada, blame Canada
They're not even a real country anyway!"

Ah yes, the infamous song from the South Park movie. :)

Besides, our gas prices are getting expensive too as well. :-/
The only viable and logical decision right now is to divide Iraq to 4 sects and figure out how to redistribute profits earned from oil fields evenly among them.

Isn't that what happened with the fall of the Ottoman Empire? Then, the Brits got the heck out . . .
Depends on what the objectives are. Yes we should pull out if we are done kicking @$$ at the strategic level, but we have a tactical "policing" problem with keeping islamic radicals in order. Iran seems to be involved stirring up some trouble by supporting shiite sects. If the objective is to see Iraq become a self sustaining democracy, this is going to be one long tour just like Korea.
Ah yes, the infamous song from the South Park movie. :)
Besides, our gas prices are getting expensive too as well. :-/

I hear you dude! There are fields within the US yet to be extracted, but IMHFO blame environmentalists who want to save an Alaskan mountain range they never visit. Hope they're happy with $4.00/gallon now!
You're blamining the environmentalists for the higher pricing of gas (or, even, anyone else)?

Get real.
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