iPhone Storage


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2005
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Can someone help me figure out why I have run out of storage on my iPhone (5s) ?

I have been getting notices on my phone that I'm about out of space, and checking my settings tells me I have 12 GB capacity, but only 657 MB available.

I'm trying to figure out what to delete, but I do use the majority of the apps I have (39 of them), I listen to the 41 songs I have. I have 557 photos. Is the photos too much?

I hate to delete any photos, so can I buy extra storage?

Clean out messages and delete useless apps. Should delete videos
Thank you, Authentic.

Chevy, I have no videos. I don't really have any useless apps, I use just about all the ones I have.
Could be a number of Factors to take into account:

1). Videos
2). Pictures
3). Temp Data
4). Cache

Simply go to your Storage area and it will show you what is accumulated in each pertaining folder. For example, it may look like this:

Pictures - 500 MB
Video - 7 GB


Also, iCloud is good if you want to spend a little cash.

You say you have 12 GB Capacity. I am assuming your songs is what is taking up the brunt of it, but it shouldn't be anywhere close to 12 GB because having 12 GB in your phone is like having a bedroom that is by 100' - 100' feet in each diameter. That is the physical sum in life formulation, lol! :D

Hope you sort it out!
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Can someone help me figure out why I have run out of storage on my iPhone (5s) ?

I have been getting notices on my phone that I'm about out of space, and checking my settings tells me I have 12 GB capacity, but only 657 MB available.

I'm trying to figure out what to delete, but I do use the majority of the apps I have (39 of them), I listen to the 41 songs I have. I have 557 photos. Is the photos too much?

I hate to delete any photos, so can I buy extra storage?


I had exactly samething..I been deleting everything..i don't know about America but I use EE and had tx today saying it was going down for a few days because 4g or something like that
I doubt it's the songs. My friend loves to listen to the songs daily and has way too many songs (I think it was 200 songs) on iPhone, but they often crash and delete themselves. It drives her nuts.

I think you should check your active apps. They tend to eat lots of memory. I've heard many complaining about Nook. That goes for Samsung users,too.

Yeah, you have lots of pictures. I know it sucks cleaning up, but you can store the pictures like others made suggestions like iCloud. Totally recommend it. There are many websites out there can print your photos on the books if you're interested.
1. Settings
2. General
3. Storage & iCloud Usage
4. Manage Storage

Photos & Camera, I have use 1.6 GB. Awesome!
I have few games app that required lot of memory.

Better delete app that you barely use. Average trending 200 MB.

One of reason, we shouldn't have huge megapixels and 4k video. It's what people want without understood about size.