IP-Rely - what's the best or the worst?


Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
I'm looking for a good IP-Rely. Can anyone please tell me which services are good and which is terrible? I'm so new at this..
I prefer AT&T Relay and Sorenson IP Relay.

I used to use Hamilton Relay until I came to realize that half of the operators don't care to correct their errors (usually their spellings). I also used MCI/Verizon IP-Relay until Verizon sold its relay unit to GoAmerica (i711relay). Basing on what several hearing people have told me is some of the operators with GoAmerica/i711 were difficult to understand. This didn't concern me too much until my mother called and left a message telling me to pick her up at 7PM (it was already past 7 o'clock) which was odd that she was driving her car that day. I called my mother to see where she was, etc., I told her that I got her message wanting me to pick her up, she said she never said anything like that so I had to fax her the message to see what the operator had left.

I recently got my hands on both of my mother's mobile phones so I could program the phones to call Sorenson instead of IP-Relay.

It is very hard to get the good and decent operators on line with you.
I use Sprint Relay and IP-Relay... both work fine for me. :)
I used to use i711 was a great! Until thing has change and start noticed. Each time I call and use that service, the people isn't patience because like (gosh, he can't spell right) which they are talking about operator not me due asking for confirm like.. blockbuster and operator is ask for confirm b l (enter) o c k b (enter) u s t e r ga. It pretty annoying me!

I stop use it and try try use various... I like IP-Relay can be good but somewhat it joke... I like Sorenson IP Relay, but only keep say (gather information, please hold) (humming) while I WAIT! Something they can do that while it gather information....

Overall, the IP Relay suck, I almost got mess up order for my dearly grandma who is 90 year old and want something special and took me stay on phone for 30 minutes with Sprint IP Relay... gosh.. felt forever...

I am looking forward is mobile video relay... I am talk about slim, not fat or heavy.
I'm a relay opr in the memphis relay center I work for Go America now that used to be verizon and yes I know the frustration you all are feeling with the Opr now because they are outsourcing our jobs to the phillipines I myself am also hard of hearing so I use relay a lot and I really think that they should have kept this kind of job only in the us since of the language barrier. What I don't like about those oprs is that they don't keep you informed on anything and they seem to make a lot of mistakes. All the IP calls are going to the phillipines now and the State relays will stay in CA and TN....so if you call from IP Relay/i711 you're going to get a phillipine opr.
I have 5 on my buddy list...I mostly use Sorenson or Ip-Relay..sometimes i711.
Question? I have checked on IP-Relay and it says it is free for hoh/deaf users. But..how does that work with long distance calls? :hmm: Who, if anyone is charged for the calls? I don't use the phone much, but when I have called, in the past, it has been to my elderly parents, which is long distance. I can't have them being charged for calls...any info???
Question? I have checked on IP-Relay and it says it is free for hoh/deaf users. But..how does that work with long distance calls? :hmm: Who, if anyone is charged for the calls? I don't use the phone much, but when I have called, in the past, it has been to my elderly parents, which is long distance. I can't have them being charged for calls...any info???

There are no long distance charges as long as it is in USA.