Invasion plot...?


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
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I've always been a skeptic of government paranoia, especially the jingoist ones.

I think it is selfish of me not to show this to others. I did not even show this to any of my friends. I’ve been aware of this for a long time, years in fact.

If you’re drunk, be prepared to pee your pants. If you’re stoned, then you’re probably too dumb to comprehend. If you’re sober, well… that I don’t know. But it’s gonna be an orgasm indeed. It depends on your interpretation.








:wtflol: I am laughing at this so hard when I was posting the pictures. You may call the President, urge him to arrest me, and throw me into narrow pits at the Guantanamo Bay. :laugh2:

En garde!
These are obviously from the World War II period. Some of it is obviously over-the-top, even for those times.

But consider that the Interstate highway system didn't exist yet. There was no wide-spread radar in use.

During WWII, Japanese troops invaded a U.S. island near Alaska and it was a hard fight to get them off that island.

Japanese military also bombed the U.S. West Coast with ballon bombs. It was really more of an experimental thing, but it did wonders for hysteria.

There was real concern that the Nazis would take over Great Britain and from there, invade Canada and the United States. The Nazis even had a plan drawn up for just that. Although, realistically, they had to mop up Russia first.

(During WW I, Germany tried to get Mexico to invade the U.S. to distract the U.S. from the European continental war.)

I can see why people back then were very concerned. Even though some of it was hysterics.

The reason this map seems so ridiculous today is that our military is today so powerful, no country in their right mind would commit ships, tanks, and troops to openly fight with us on our turf.

Back then during WWII, U.S. armies were evenly matched with other armies around the world.
I can think of a loophole that might devastate the whole infrastructure of USA, and i'm not sure if it's ethical to post my idea here.
[ame=]Homefront -- Future History Uncut - YouTube[/ame]

(can't find it with the proper captions turned on)
Homefront -- Future History Uncut - YouTube

(can't find it with the proper captions turned on)

Lol, wasn't thinking of that at all.

I was thinking about what deafbadger mentioned about "highway" infrastructure.

Umm, I had this idea. What if everything is standardized by SMART car technology (the ones that drive for you, via GPS and everything).

What if foreign hackers go in masses and hack the US SMART companies, and play around with cars like remote controller and decimate the millions in hours?
Lol, wasn't thinking of that at all.

I was thinking about what deafbadger mentioned about "highway" infrastructure.

Umm, I had this idea. What if everything is standardized by SMART car technology (the ones that drive for you, via GPS and everything).

What if foreign hackers go in masses and hack the US SMART companies, and play around with cars like remote controller and decimate the millions in hours?

*shrug* turn off the engine lol

and we'll just nuke a country.