Introducing Jasmin. [Asking a favor]


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
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Heey guys! Well, I'm Jasmin and I'm from Holland. Hope you know where that is.. hehe. I'm not deaf.
But the reason that I signed up for this thing, is that I'm currently writing a book. A book about a 16 year old girl who suddenly becomes deaf. And you know, I just really enjoy writing it and it is just wonderfull to write about such a deep story. But.. of course I still have a couple of problems, cause it's kinda difficult to express her feelings and what she's going through, while not really knowing what REALLY is going through her mind, cause I'm not deaf.
Sooo, I was hoping to talk with maybe a couple of you guys and to just, learn more about deafness. Maybe there are actually a couple of you guys who have experienced a sudden deafness.
If you wanna contact me, you can email me:

I hope you take this seriously, and uhm. I;m just really looking forward to here from you!

Thank you very very much.
Heey guys! Well, I'm Jasmin and I'm from Holland. Hope you know where that is.. hehe. I'm not deaf.
But the reason that I signed up for this thing, is that I'm currently writing a book. A book about a 16 year old girl who suddenly becomes deaf. And you know, I just really enjoy writing it and it is just wonderfull to write about such a deep story. But.. of course I still have a couple of problems, cause it's kinda difficult to express her feelings and what she's going through, while not really knowing what REALLY is going through her mind, cause I'm not deaf.
Sooo, I was hoping to talk with maybe a couple of you guys and to just, learn more about deafness. Maybe there are actually a couple of you guys who have experienced a sudden deafness.
If you wanna contact me, you can email me:

I hope you take this seriously, and uhm. I;m just really looking forward to here from you!

Thank you very very much.

Welcome, Jasmin. Just peruse the boards, and you will find much information to help you.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. You will find most of us, Deafies, discussing about our Deaf experiences on many of the threads or posts. Most often hearing people don't understand us thinking that we should expect to lipread and talk like them. Almost pretty much all of us want ASL to communicate better than lipreading. Why do we have to go two-way street if we are to please them with lipreading(get lost trying to make out what they say) and talk with funny voices? Anyway, here is hoping that you have fun and enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave: <wave>
Hello and welcome! When I went completely deaf after being born HOH it came as a relief.
Hi Jaz! Welcome! hey, why not write a book about a 16 year old girl born deaf and then suddenly gets to hear for first time! That could even be a movie later lol. Well good luck!
Hi Jaz! Welcome! hey, why not write a book about a 16 year old girl born deaf and then suddenly gets to hear for first time! That could even be a movie later lol. Well good luck!

Very funny, that is a fantasy which cannot be fixed, but if the author want to write about a story who was born deaf and become hearing for the first time. The author is going to have to write in the memoir explaining that it is a fanatsy and there is no way for a deaf girl to become hearing for the first time like CI to become hearing. HaHaHa :mad2: