

New Member
Dec 11, 2011
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I am a Clemson University hearing student. I am in my 3rd year of taking ASL classes. My last report of the year is an ethics paper. I chose the ethical question: Should pregnant women have genetic prenatal testing done to determine if their unborn baby tests positive for the deaf gene?

I love ASL! I love teaching my two boys how to sign, polite cultural ediquettes, <<<spelling?<

I don't believe aleinating children just because they are different, whether their don't hear sounds or whether their eyes don't see. All children deserve to be love and nurtured, and given a form of communitcation.

Please tell me who you are, what affiliation you have with this site, or the Deaf Community, and your stance on my ethical question. I need a couple different opinions for my paper. My paper is due Thursday, yes I know, I've waited until the last minute.

Ethical Paper

Please reply with your opinion: Should pregnant women conduct prenatal testing to determine if their unborn baby test positive for the deaf gene or not.
Deafness is a harmless gene. Being deaf for me, is like the way being gay is for my second Mom.'s just the way we are! It doesn't limit us!
No. Why? Would that be a reason to end your pregnancy? NOT!!!!!
THANKYOU!!!! to all those who responded with their opinions to my ethical paper question. Your input ads great Validity to my research paper!