Hi Everybody,
I'm hearing impaired and have hardly any knowledge of sign language. Am I still allowed on this web site? I'm at uni and I'm starting to realise just how difficult it is to understand speech. Before, I was usually optimistic and it didn't really matter if I missed out on what other people are saying. But heading soon into my 20s, I will have to make changes like learning sign language if I want the angry and helpless feelings to go away.
I think this is a great web site and I'm looking forward to communicating with you guys.
I'm hearing impaired and have hardly any knowledge of sign language. Am I still allowed on this web site? I'm at uni and I'm starting to realise just how difficult it is to understand speech. Before, I was usually optimistic and it didn't really matter if I missed out on what other people are saying. But heading soon into my 20s, I will have to make changes like learning sign language if I want the angry and helpless feelings to go away.
I think this is a great web site and I'm looking forward to communicating with you guys.