Interrogation time.

why did you burn your school down?
eternity- i was bored :-D and i still am, sheesh!

Angelcat- i'd like to have a flying car. :-D

bbnt- to destroy my grades. they were that bad.

kuifje75- i'm just being helpful.

Stevey boy- i believe it was you. (and btw, its miss not miss. :-D)
Originally posted by lilredridinhood

kuifje75- i'm just being helpful.

Did I miss something, did they ask you for your help?
I know, I would hate it if someone corrected my grammar if I didn't ask for it.
no they didn't ask me for my help, but if i didn't say something, they would go on like that. With my correcting their grammar, perhaps they can improve their english skills.
uh.. me.. married? :rofl: no i don't.. tied down to ONE person for the rest of my life, *shakes head* that i can't do :-D
Originally posted by lilredridinhood
uh.. me.. married? :rofl: no i don't.. tied down to ONE person for the rest of my life, *shakes head* that i can't do :-D

oh cool alright :D
Originally posted by lilredridinhood
correct me then.

No thanks. I choose to respect ppl however they talk.
If it is homework assignment or a formal letter, then I would correct.