I personally feel they look hideous...

That is just my take on them appearance wise...
Professionally, you'd have to see what that particular company would have to say about them. I know working at the hospital I work for, they're not allowed. I have never had or seen a terp with them, but I don't work for a terp service, I work for a hospital.

Professionally speaking, I don't think they look professional... that's just my personal opinion.
I am a big to each their own person too. If I needed the services of a terp I wouldn't ask for a new one or turn them away because of tattoos ( As I am plastered ) piercings ( As I also have a lot ) or a hair style ( including dreads ) even though I personally don't like them and they're not my favorite. To each their own. That's just something you're going to have to figure out if the particular company you're going to work for will have an issue. I can tell you I had a friend with them and she had a hell of a time finding work with them... but that's all I can tell you about them... Also, they're a pain in the arse to upkeep...
I mean, I guess some of them are Oooooooooooooookay... as long as you have the ass tons of money it takes to upkeep with them.... and I mean ass tons... If you don't upkeep with them at the salon every 2 weeks or so... they become incredibly unkempt... and that's when they become hideous. If you keep up with them and have the ass tons of money every 2 or 3 weeks, they stay looking like this... and those are alright looking I suppose.
They are very tight wound and upkept... she probably goes every 2 or 3 weeks and does and hour or 2 of upkeep daily on them to keep them that nice...
if you slack at ALL... and don't sink all that money into them... they start and end up looking like this...
That does not look professional.... ( To me ) and I personally wouldn't want to hire someone that had that...
Plus most of the time when you want them gone, you have to have them cut out...

Again, that's just my personal take... my friend with hers... she said the money in upkeep just wasn't worth it to keep them smelling nice and looking nice... because you can't wash your hair... ( Shampoo and condition ) You have special ways and all this stupid leave in crap... it's a pain...