I can fire an interpreter and request another for any reason I see fit. Perfectly within my rights!

Normally, I wouldn't make such a statement about someone that I don't know, but based on all of jasin's comments....
You, sir, are an idiot.
It is not your place, nor your right to "fire an interpreter" as YOU are NOT the interpreter's BOSS! If you have an issue with the interpreter, you have the right to discuss it with your student service office of disability (or whatever your school calls that dept) and REQUEST, yes REQUEST, not demand another interpreter. At that time, your request can be discussed, including your reasons for wanting a different interpreter. Depending on your reasons, you may or may not get a different interpreter. They are not there to be your friend. They are there to facilitate communication. How much they are paid is none of your business. What kind of contract they have already set up with your school is also none of your business.
Your comments only show how incredibly ignorant, naive, disillusioned and ill-informed you are about both interpreters and the field of interpreting. Clearly you do not understand the role of an interpreter at all. your statements are so far-fetched and ridiculous that I wonder if you have ever even used an interpreter before. Perhaps you are bored and are simply making things up as you go along.
In any event, I would suggest everyone do as I plan to do. Ignore any other comments you make.
My two cents' worth.