Interpeter's Personality


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Jan 1, 2009
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My name is Sally and I have been checking out for sometime or once a while.

I would really love to hear some of your opinion about your thoughts and feeling.

I'm just cerious about your opinion about your full time interpter at your high school, or post-secondary education school. Would you perfer to have interpeter who is friendly, or sense of homour? Is it really important to have a good team? Would you perfer to have interpeter is really serious or more business alike? Do you and your interpeter have become a good friend?

I am looking forward to hear your opinion!

I prefer to have an interpreter who I can be honest with when it comes to feedback, who is willing to work with me, and who I get along with. If I have to spend several hours a week with an interpreter I want to get along with them.
Have you ever seen any interpeter who come often late? and they seem not very happy about a job??my highschool interpetern didn't seem to be friendly with me, but I notice she was friendly with other teachers. I have been wondering....does it have something with me or what? I couldn't help why but I perfer having interpeter who are very friendly, and to have postive attitude about their job.
I would rather have a non-partial or business-like interpretor!...Since I'm female, a female interpretor, especially when I see my doctor!...Last visit, I had a male interpretor (young), and I felt so uncomfortable!! No way would I talk about my female problems in front of a male interpretor! So next time, I will ask specifically for a female.

For any other reason, a male or female is fine. And no, I don't think an interpretor should be "ur friend, or tooo friendly'!...It's business! Isn't there some "code of ethics" for interpretors??
My interpretor was over an hour late for the adoption proceedings when I adopted my boys....I was very upset about it!...Missing the Mayor's speech and other VIP's speeches!....When she did arrive, my lawyer told her that I was really upset! As the judge had to put my case aside until she arrived! So we were there longer....The interpretor said "Well, why is she so upset? I'm here now"!....I never used her again!...This was a very "special" day for me and my boys! And it took me quite a hard time to make sure all 3 boys were dressed correctly for court, cautioned them on their manners, etc.! Kids cannot sit still in court, and the same for Church! An hour late, felt like several hours!

Never a "word" as to why she was so late, either!....Guess she felt as if she "were doing me the favor" huh? And to top it off...."no apology"!

You are entitled to ask for a female terp for your doctor appointments. This was one of the first things I learned when I started using a tactile terp. When I had doctor appointments, I always requested a female terp and never had any problems because of it.

To answer the OP's question, the most important things to me are how well my terp responds to feedback and how well they use visual and audio descriptions to inform me about my environment as well as the voice tone of the person speaking. It's also important that they are willing to work with me on what communication techniques and alternative signs (for easier tactile recognition) are helpful.

I also believe that being prompt is essential and says alot about the professionalism of a terp. In one of my college lectures, I had a tactile terp show up 25 minutes late. I waited and waited. Just as I was about to leave, she came walking through the door and apologized for being late.

In the 9 years I've used terps, I've never run into someone who was rude. They've always been friendly and willing to accept feedback. I always make sure to thank the terps I use and request terps who I know have worked well with me.

The terp service I receive my tactile terps from allows us to indicate our preferred communication method as well as a list of terps we would like to work with. We can request anyone provided they are available on the day they are needed.
I don't know if you are counting voice interpreters as well, but the last time I really needed one of those was two years ago.

I am however, interested in seeing what people say.