internet based relay vs. state relay



I am curious to know which you, the relay service customer, prefer. Do you prefer to use IP Relay or traditional state relay?
There's a strong trend going to IP based relay services over landline relay services. And my preference is to use an IP based relay service that allows me to switch relay providers without having to change devices.

cental34 said:
I am curious to know which you, the relay service customer, prefer. Do you prefer to use IP Relay or traditional state relay?

Doesn't matter to me as long relay are there to provide a mean of communicating between deaf caller and hearing caller. If I have a computer with internet, then IP relay, if I am at a place that has no computer but a TTY, then use whatever relay is there such as state or national relay system. (Also depending on the reception on the SK for using relay as well.)
I use i711 internet-based relay service and My IP Relay on AIM on my cellphone. I like i711 easy pull up my phone book to dail my Tmo customer care, wheelchair shop and etc.. Should i711 create new AIM Relay in the future?
I use Video Ah Phone! Because VP service is free, no toll calls. IP relay, once a while I do use them don't charge me for the toll. I don't need landline phone anymore so I disconnected them long time ago. Already saved bunch of money.
I sure hope state relay service realize the potential of VRS.
diehardbiker65 said:
I use Video Ah Phone! Because VP service is free, no toll calls. IP relay, once a while I do use them don't charge me for the toll. I don't need landline phone anymore so I disconnected them long time ago. Already saved bunch of money.
I sure hope state relay service realize the potential of VRS.

No phone line here either! VP, IP, Yippee!

diehardbiker65 said:
I use Video Ah Phone! Because VP service is free, no toll calls. IP relay, once a while I do use them don't charge me for the toll. I don't need landline phone anymore so I disconnected them long time ago. Already saved bunch of money.
I sure hope state relay service realize the potential of VRS.

I don't see it impossible, but I don't think there'd be nearly enough interpreters. A friend and I were discussing this the other day. Will TRS ever be done away with. His arguement was no, because for "equal access," the extra price of broadband internet is too expensive. If "equal access" is defined as available internet service, then I guess there is no true equal access because. Not everyone is able to afford even dial up internet or a computer, so that kind defeats the point of equal arguement. I do hope that someday, VRS will become more predominant over TRS. More convenience, and dedicated service to the deaf community. I think the main degree of difference is not that VRS operators are able to interpret signing, but the degree of professionalism. Truth be told, MCI will hire any crackhead that walks through the door and can type 50 words per minute. They have no connection with the deaf community, and really no motivation to have any.
I don't think TRS will be entirely eliminated, because from wireless standpoint, TRS would STILL be needed. There is no wireless VP in sight yet. I am talking about broadband over wireless WAN which is IMPOSSIBLE at this time. The speed of wireless is now around 56k. People with SK, or other wireless data will still need to use TRS whenever they are stuck in middle of nowhere.

cental34 said:
I don't see it impossible, but I don't think there'd be nearly enough interpreters. A friend and I were discussing this the other day. Will TRS ever be done away with. His arguement was no, because for "equal access," the extra price of broadband internet is too expensive. If "equal access" is defined as available internet service, then I guess there is no true equal access because. Not everyone is able to afford even dial up internet or a computer, so that kind defeats the point of equal arguement. I do hope that someday, VRS will become more predominant over TRS. More convenience, and dedicated service to the deaf community. I think the main degree of difference is not that VRS operators are able to interpret signing, but the degree of professionalism. Truth be told, MCI will hire any crackhead that walks through the door and can type 50 words per minute. They have no connection with the deaf community, and really no motivation to have any.
I prefer landline relay services but I do use Internet-based relay services sometimes.

I, for one have no desire to have video-phone services anytime soon!
I prefer the online relay. It's a lot easier and I can see the whole converstation. It's faster and more clearer instead of the old fashioned text TTYs. I can easily look back and see what was said recently or know what I said in case I accidently said something else. Lastly, I can save the converstation into my computer at ease. Sure, TTYs can do the same thing... but it takes a lot of line-by-line scrolling to find what was said or have everything printed on that tiny piece of paper.

A good example would be a couple of my friends. One friend used a TTY to make a call about something. He ended up with 5 ft of paper with the text printed on it. The other friend used a computer. When he was done, everything he said was only on one page. ;)
For the first time today I use 711 IP relay cause my ears were ringing and I couldn't hear at all.

I really really like it. Very easy and effective and online. Since I don't have my tty anymore, this is more better