International Relay
Just wondering if there's an International Relay Service like IP Relay that can be used to call someone in another country - I am familiar with IP Relay and I do not have VP, so I'm curious as to whether there's another program similar to IP Relay or i711, only with a little bit more coverage as far as to where you can call?
I would appreciate advice and/or a link...
You can get MY IP Relay Number, which is a local number. That way, you can receive international IP-Relay calls. To apply, visit and look for MY IP Relay Number. IP-Relay calls are available in English-to-English, Spanish-to-Spanish. Typed ASL is available on request. English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English are allowed, through IP-Relay. IP-VRS calls are available in English-to-ASL. MCI currently does not have Spanish VIs (Video Interpreters) for Spanish-to-ASL. The person placing the call will have to pay for any long distance charges.
You cannot place international IP-Relay calls.
You can place international IP-VRS calls. If you know ASL and have high-speed internet, you can apply for a VP or Webcam (or buy one yourself) from any VRS company, that has an outreach program, such as
Hands On VRS,
Sorenson VRS,
Hamilton VRS. All VRS have ASL-to-English. Hands On VRS, CSD VRS, Sprint VRS, and CAC VRS also have Spanish VRS for ASL-to-Spanish. There are no long distance charges.
If you do not know ASL and/or do not have high speed internet, you can use the state relay, for international relay calls. Dial 711, on your telephone. If you need to receive a call, dial 711, and ask for customer service. Once you are connected with the customer service department, as what the international inbound number is. Depending on your state, you may have Spanish (with translation) and French (with translation) available. The person placing the call will have to pay for any international long distance charges.
The reason translation (other than ASL) is not available through IP-Relay is because the FCC rules that translation is beyond the scope of TRS (Telecommunications Relay Service). VRS translation is inherent, since ASL is already different language from English, so ASL-to-Spanish is allowed, with VRS. If your state allows for translation with the state relay, that's fine, because your state is paying for that.
Also, international calls cannot be placed with IP-Relay. A huge reason for this is, IP-Relay is used by Nigerians to place scam calls, into the US. To make the service international would be chaotic.
VRS can place international calls. It is highly unlikely a scammer in Nigeria would know American Sign Language.
The state TRS can place international calls. It is highly unlikely a scammer in Nigeria would pay international long distance charges, to the United States.