Interesting & weird stuffs


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Apr 3, 2004
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  • Laser stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" and was developed in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • VHS stands for Video Home System.
  • The very first personal computer, the Apple II, went on sale in 1977.
  • Levi Strauss blue jeans were priced at $13.50 per dozen in 1874.
  • The condom was invented in the early 1500s, and was originally made of linen.
  • Money isn't made out of paper - it's made out of linen.
  • Most lipstick contains fish scales.
  • The very first Corvette rolled off the Chevrolet assembly line in Flint, MI in 1953. It sold for $3,250.
  • The first credit card, issued in 1950, was Diner's Club. Frank X. McNamara started the company with 200 card holders. Today there are 2 credit cards for every person in the United States. Two out of three car buyers pay the sticker price without arguing.
  • Most american car horns honk in the key of F.
  • In 4000 BC Egypt, men and women wore glitter eye shadow made from the crushed shells of beetles. Men and women walked around topless, and marriages between brothers and sisters were not uncommon in the Royal families. Cleopatra was married to her older brother, until he drowned in the Nile. Then she married her 11-year-old younger brother.
  • In the 1700s, European women achieved a pale complexion by eating "Arsenic Complexion Wafers", which contained the actual poison.
  • In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting out advertising space on his cows.
  • If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom, over and over again.
  • Bayer was advertising cough medicine containing Heroin in 1898.
  • Cocaine used to be sold to cure sore throat, neuralgia, nervousness, headache, colds and sleeplessness in the 1880s.
  • Hershey's Kisses are called that, because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.
  • Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators, where it was first developed.
  • The very first US consumer product sold in the Soviet Union was Pepsi Cola.
  • A single share of Coca-Cola stock, purchased in 1919, when the company went public, would have been worth $92,500 in 1997.
  • Coca-Cola was so named back in 1885 for its two medicinal ingredients: extract of coca leaves and kola nuts.
    As for how much cocaine was originally in the formula, it's hard to say.
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Magatsu said:
  • Levi Strauss blue jeans were priced at $13.50 per dozen in 1874.

Wish it was still true today... $13.50 for 12 pairs of Levi's! Wow, what a bargain!!
Magatsu said:
    • Most lipstick contains fish scales.

    Only after one of Mal's shakes, mind you.
    Just had to point this out.
Originally Posted by Magatsu
The condom was invented in the early 1500s, and was originally made of linen.

Fly Free said:
:shock: ack! THIS i didnt know!

what do you care!?!? you dont need them anyway!! :rofl:

i am not surprised it was made out of linen!! no wonder there were so many babies in each families!! :shock:
"Most lipstick contains fish scales."

that explains why we women tend to pucker after applying our lipsticks.

Go figures...
zesty said:
what do you care!?!? you dont need them anyway!! :rofl:

i am not surprised it was made out of linen!! no wonder there were so many babies in each families!! :shock:

:rofl: granted i wouldnt have cared but i found that information INTERESTING! :P
RedWolf said:
where you get this resources from Magatsu???

Seriously, both researching thru google and get several resources from

Redwolf, I love to research and find new information to read and absorb the knowledge. I often stumbled on something that I find interesting to know.
Magatsu said:

Seriously, both researching thru google and get several resources from

Redwolf, I love to research and find new information to read and absorb the knowledge. I often stumbled on something that I find interesting to know.

Me too!!!
Fly Free said:
:rofl: granted i wouldnt have cared but i found that information INTERESTING! :P

Yea right! u do care cuz of making more water bomb (with condom!). :devil:
:rofl: Lasza

*fills up condoms with water to make the water bombs*

*throws them over to zesty AND Lasza and their shirts are wet!*

*disappears* :twisted:

  • You can be electricuted while talking on a cell phone during a thunderstorm. Using a cell phone while driving increases your chances of being in an accident to 34%

  • Passengers who dont' move around while in an airplane are much more susceptible to have deep-vein-thrombosis-blood clots. Lower levels of oxygen and low humidity inside the cabin make blood stickier and more likely to clot. Cardiovascular problems are the number one cause of death during a flight.

  • Only one person out of a billion will live to be 116 or older. Right handed people, on average, live nine years longer than left handed people. When you sneeze, your heart actually stops as long as it takes for you to sneeze. 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30.

  • The best known sushi chefs know to check the raw salmon or red snapper for worms by holding thin cuts of fish up to the light. Anisakis is a disease caused by ingesting worms in raw fish. 80% of certain species caught off the Pacific Ocean maybe infected with fish parasites. IF you eat one, after a day or two, you'll have a burning sensation in your guts as the parasites bores through the stomach lining.

  • During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food; that's the weight of 6 elephants. Everytime you lick a stamp, you consume about 1/10 of a calory. Average human body contains enough fat to make about 7 bars of soap. The human brain only accounts for 2% of your body weight, but takes up to 20% of your blood flow. The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes. One quarter of your bones in your body are in your feet. The average person has over 1460 dreams in a year. You're born with 300 bones, but when you're an adult, you have 206 bones. Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day. You blink about 84,000,000 times a year.

And this...

Origin of State Names
  • Alabama May come from Choctaw meaning “thicket-clearers” or “vegetation-gatherers”
  • Alaska Corruption of Aleut word meaning “great land” or “that which the sea breaks against”
  • Arizona From the Indian “Arizonac,” meaning “little spring” or “young spring”
  • Arkansas From the Quapaw Indians
  • California From a book, Las Sergas de Esplandián, by Garcia Ordóñez de Montalvo, c. 1500
  • Colorado From the Spanish, “ruddy” or “red”
  • Connecticut From an Indian word (Quinnehtukqut) meaning “beside the long tidal river”
  • Delaware From Delaware River and Bay; named in turn for Sir Thomas West, Baron De La Warr
  • Florida From the Spanish, meaning “feast of flowers” (Easter)
  • Georgia In honor of George II of England
  • Hawaii Uncertain. The islands may have been named by Hawaii Loa, their traditional discoverer. Or they may have been named after Hawaii or Hawaiki, the traditional home of the Polynesians.
  • Idaho Though popularly believed to be an Indian word, it is an invented name whose meaning is unknown.
  • Illinois Algonquin for “tribe of superior men”
  • Indiana Meaning “land of Indians”
  • Iowa Probably from an Indian word meaning “this is the place” or “the Beautiful Land”
  • Kansas From a Sioux word meaning “people of the south wind”
  • Kentucky From an Iroquoian word “Ken-tah-ten” meaning “land of tomorrow”
  • Louisiana In honor of Louis XIV of France
  • Maine First used to distinguish the mainland from the offshore islands. It has been considered a compliment to Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I of England. She was said to have owned the province of Mayne in France.
  • Maryland In honor of Henrietta Maria (queen of Charles I of England)
  • Massachusetts From Massachusett tribe of Native Americans, meaning “at or about the great hill”
  • Michigan From Indian word “Michigana” meaning “great or large lake”
  • Minnesota From a Dakota Indian word meaning “sky-tinted water”
  • Mississippi From an Indian word meaning “Father of Waters”
  • Missouri Named after the Missouri Indian tribe. “Missouri” means “town of the large canoes.”
  • Montana Chosen from Latin dictionary by J. M. Ashley. It is a Latinized Spanish word meaning “mountainous.”
  • Nebraska From an Oto Indian word meaning “flat water”
  • Nevada Spanish: “snowcapped”
  • New Hampshire From the English county of Hampshire
  • New Jersey From the Channel Isle of Jersey
  • New Mexico From Mexico, “place of Mexitli,” an Aztec god or leader
  • New York In honor of the Duke of York
  • North Carolina In honor of Charles I of England
  • North Dakota From the Sioux tribe, meaning “allies”
  • Ohio From an Iroquoian word meaning “great river”
  • Oklahoma From two Choctaw Indian words meaning “red people”
  • Oregon Unknown. However, it is generally accepted that the name, first used by Jonathan Carver in 1778, was taken from the writings of Maj. Robert Rogers, an English army officer.
  • Pennsylvania In honor of Adm. Sir William Penn, father of William Penn. It means “Penn's Woodland.”
  • Rhode Island From the Greek Island of Rhodes
  • South Carolina In honor of Charles I of England
  • South Dakota From the Sioux tribe, meaning “allies”
  • Tennessee Of Cherokee origin; the exact meaning is unknown
  • Texas From an Indian word meaning “friends”
  • Utah From the Ute tribe, meaning “people of the mountains”
  • Vermont From the French “vert mont,” meaning “green mountain”
  • Virginia In honor of Elizabeth “Virgin Queen” of England
  • Washington In honor of George Washington
  • West Virginia In honor of Elizabeth, “Virgin Queen” of England
  • Wisconsin French corruption of an Indian word whose meaning is disputed
  • Wyoming From the Delaware Indian word, meaning “mountains and valleys alternating”; the same as the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania


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