It may, and i'm sure we as a species will come up with something to handle it. When "they" do and mark my words according to them it will very much be a "they" not an us. "they" will test it on the deaf like they have done and it will be on the deaf "they" do it again before anyone else.
With all this overpopulation why have a deaf baby? Just nip it in the bud before the genes even do what they can, even more when by fate or hapenstance a child or adult becomes deaf grow a new ear, we have different ones in stock, from cheap to luxury. In the very near future they will map you easily and know you have the deaf gene and thus it will be targeted. same goes for any other "disability" real or imagined the hearing world views a such.
im not falling for the hype of overpopulation.
come to canada
we have plenty of room to go around for many generations
who will decide in this world of tech, who is born and who lives? who is straight and who is not? who is deaf and who is hearing? who is black, who is white? the color of your eyes so on
heres a quick list of those to be eliminated to keep population at what ever the .gov deems a standard
deaf (it will be even cheaper then imlpants, just oder a hearing kid. period. it will be standard. parents wont even be asked. just order a delux human. it comes with all the bells and whistles)
blind as above
mentaly retarded of all stripes (get rid of them, a waste of prescious resources, the world is finate. we need not waste it)
midgets (your time is numbered)
the list and reasons can run into a sad litany...
follow it through