Interested in the deaf culture and people


New Member
Aug 24, 2013
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Hi my name is Chelsie. I am not deaf but i want to meet more deaf people and become friends with more deaf people. The Lord has called me into the deaf ministry as a missionary. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
Hi my name is Chelsie. I am not deaf but i want to meet more deaf people and become friends with more deaf people. The Lord has called me into the deaf ministry as a missionary. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.


Be careful though, some of us have been the victim of a few too many missionaries. Something about deaf people seems to attract them.
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Be careful though, some of us have been the victim of a few to many missionaries. Something about deaf people seems to attract them.

Yep, and that is because most of the hearing world thinks we are stupid. I have only just come into the Deaf Community as I was not born deaf but have what is called "late on set deafness". It has been, and still is, exactly like one of those movies where a person goes to sleep and suddenly wakes up in an entirely different world/reality.

People treat me VERY differently since I have gone deaf. I was, and still am, appalled and I often wonder,"Is this how people who have been Deaf their all their lives get treated everyday?" Looking for employment has been such a bad experience for me. I retreated into home-life and I didn't interact with the outside world but rarely for the first year or so when the hearing went. I was fortunate enough to receive some hearing aids that helped me hear sound, at least a little bit, again for a little while, but it was made clear to me that they weren't a cure, and the benefit they gave wouldn't last beyond 3, maybe five years if I was lucky. (I was hard of hearing with the hearing aids)

I was 40 when life without hearing started and I had my time of denial with the hearing aids thinking that maybe I would beat the odds...I'll be 45 in Oct. And I was lucky, for a while. The time has come for me to wake up and quit being in denial. I am Deaf...better get used to it.

Thank whatever-deity-of-your-choice for internet access. I have been throwing myself into learning ASL for the last 6 months to a year now and I am working become being fluent in it. I found a lot of sites for learning ASL online and I eventually found this site when I was ready to start truly becoming a part of the Deaf Community and adjusting myself to be a, hopefully, useful part of Deaf society. :)
Yep, and that is because most of the hearing world thinks we are stupid. I have only just come into the Deaf Community as I was not born deaf but have what is called "late on set deafness". It has been, and still is, exactly like one of those movies where a person goes to sleep and suddenly wakes up in an entirely different world/reality.

People treat me VERY differently since I have gone deaf. I was, and still am, appalled and I often wonder,"Is this how people who have been Deaf their all their lives get treated everyday?" Looking for employment has been such a bad experience for me. I retreated into home-life and I didn't interact with the outside world but rarely for the first year or so when the hearing went. I was fortunate enough to receive some hearing aids that helped me hear sound, at least a little bit, again for a little while, but it was made clear to me that they weren't a cure, and the benefit they gave wouldn't last beyond 3, maybe five years if I was lucky. (I was hard of hearing with the hearing aids)

I was 40 when life without hearing started and I had my time of denial with the hearing aids thinking that maybe I would beat the odds...I'll be 45 in Oct. And I was lucky, for a while. The time has come for me to wake up and quit being in denial. I am Deaf...better get used to it.

Thank whatever-deity-of-your-choice for internet access. I have been throwing myself into learning ASL for the last 6 months to a year now and I am working become being fluent in it. I found a lot of sites for learning ASL online and I eventually found this site when I was ready to start truly becoming a part of the Deaf Community and adjusting myself to be a, hopefully, useful part of Deaf society. :)

Why it when people lose their hearing it affect hearing people intelligence
and made them stupid?

Be careful though, some of us have been the victim of a few too many missionaries. Something about deaf people seems to attract them.

I know , and when I heard the word missionary I know the person want to more than learn about the deaf culture . I am proud of being Jewish and do not need to be saved.
Don't ever tell the Jehovah's Witnesses that you're deaf. They will send people to your door who are deaf or who sign for years. I was the unfortunate recipient of this when someone signed me up with them.
I just want to let you all know that I'm NOT going to push any of you and I'm truly wanting to make friends. I know with out a doubt that deaf are very smart people. There is nothing intellectually wrong with a deaf person. And as for the one that is Jewish. I'm not trying to start any problems or upset anyone so please don't think that. I'm just going to be straight forward with everyone. I'm a single parent at 21 and I'm not trying to push any buttons or hurt anyone. I'm just wanting some good friends to talk to.
I'm curious about what you actually know about deaf people and why you chose them as your missionary project.
I just want to let you all know that I'm NOT going to push any of you and I'm truly wanting to make friends. I know with out a doubt that deaf are very smart people. There is nothing intellectually wrong with a deaf person. And as for the one that is Jewish. I'm not trying to start any problems or upset anyone so please don't think that. I'm just going to be straight forward with everyone. I'm a single parent at 21 and I'm not trying to push any buttons or hurt anyone. I'm just wanting some good friends to talk to.

mis·sion·ar·y (msh-nr)
n. pl. mis·sion·ar·ies
1. One who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country.

2. One who attempts to persuade or convert others to a particular program, doctrine, or set of principles; a propagandist.

1. Of or relating to missions or missionaries.

2. Engaged in the activities of a mission or missionary.

3. Tending to propagandize or use insistent persuasion

You better learn the meaning of 'missionary.'
I just want to let you all know that I'm NOT going to push any of you and I'm truly wanting to make friends. I know with out a doubt that deaf are very smart people. There is nothing intellectually wrong with a deaf person. And as for the one that is Jewish. I'm not trying to start any problems or upset anyone so please don't think that. I'm just going to be straight forward with everyone. I'm a single parent at 21 and I'm not trying to push any buttons or hurt anyone. I'm just wanting some good friends to talk to.

I don't think you are trying to push or hurt anyone and it seems to me you just genuinely want to know about what Deaf culture and life is like and that is fine. But, all we wanted to warn you about was that not all of us here have the same beliefs. Some folks, as stated, are Jewish. Others of us, like myself, are bit more eclectic in our beliefs. Not to mention discussing religion and proselytizing on here is a NO-NO. Causes too many problems because not everyone has the same respect for alternative beliefs. It's all good. :D

Having been a hearing person and then finding myself deaf...I understand what other Deaf folks mean about how a lot of hearing people tend to treat them. It's shitty but there you are.

Oh geez, a single parent at 21. Just curious, is your child deaf?
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I was raised and put through a strict Roman Catholic school, I hated it !!!
My dad came from a Hardtail Baptist Family, My great Grandfather built and had his own church in Arkansas in which it still stands and operates today in which he is buried in the lawn there as well. Today, I don't slave away every sunday worshipping as I got burned out on it going several times a week at school as well as ever sunday and all those special gatherings back then. I believe in god and I honor them in my heart, that's all that matters to me. I know where Im going in the end.
I was raised and put through a strict Roman Catholic school, I hated it !!!
My dad came from a Hardtail Baptist Family...

Maybe you would have liked Full-Suspension Baptists better.

Sorry, couldn't resist:0
Maybe you would have liked Full-Suspension Baptists better.

Sorry, couldn't resist:0
Harley-Davidson xl12:00c is a close second...

Thou Shalt Live to Ride, Ride to Live.
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tngrl92, I'm one of the ones with many beliefs/eclectic.

I still agree with whatdidyousay!

people who have a genuine desire to be friendly with another person - because of similar interests and acknowledgment of the other as simply a person, and -not - because of any desire to "save" or "help" or use someone ....that's different

missionaries and gawkers can go somewhere else.
If Im on a misson to get my house done, does that make me a missionary?