Insurance wont cover?


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Jul 20, 2011
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Sadly Insurance doesnt cover hearing aides for people over 17 and under 65 (in my experience) anyone else have this problem?
My company is covering 80% if I need them but if I was still under my parents roof then I wouldn't be covered. It really depends on the insurance company.

I need to prove without a doubt and get reinbursed though. It'll be a fight.
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Very recently it seems to put it back on my insurance, just up to 1 thousand for HA. I still cant afford to buy a new HA. Hope my insurance wont change in the near future. I still need a new HA.
in·sur·ance   /ɪnˈʃʊərəns, -ˈʃɜr-/ Show Spelled
[in-shoor-uhns, -shur-] Show IPA

1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
2. coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.
3. the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy.
I think it is unfair to demand from insurance companies because this is no accident, you already have hearing loss. It is like, ok here is the insurance premium here and I am paying so you can pay me for my hearing aid and accessories. To Insurance company it is a pure loss to them.
I know some of you would disagree, but here is the dose of reality.
Money don't come from tree. It comes from somebody that pays for it.
It helps for children born with it why not help with adults who live with it? It covers your vision when most people are born with vision problems! what insurance company do you all have cuz mine hasnt covered any part I paid $2800 us dollars for a set my dog ate them i got lucky and an audiologist gave me a set but ear molds are expensive for me I had a temp ear mold stuck in my ear the other day cuz it litterly fell apart. Without my aides I couldnt work. Cuz communication is a must. Im going to get a new set with tax money I perfer the In the ear ones cuz it helps opt out the wind and Ive been missing out on alot of conversation it sucks! lol
my insurance covered them... and i'm not under 17 or over 65. Have you looked into like a voc rehab sort of thing? They should be able to help you.
It helps for children born with it why not help with adults who live with it? It covers your vision when most people are born with vision problems! what insurance company do you all have cuz mine hasnt covered any part I paid $2800 us dollars for a set my dog ate them i got lucky and an audiologist gave me a set but ear molds are expensive for me I had a temp ear mold stuck in my ear the other day cuz it litterly fell apart. Without my aides I couldnt work. Cuz communication is a must. Im going to get a new set with tax money I perfer the In the ear ones cuz it helps opt out the wind and Ive been missing out on alot of conversation it sucks! lol

A&EMomma, that is a big reason I am on disabilty. Mediacd in my state covers hearing aids, and only one private insurance covers hearing aids.
You really should experiment with type of hearing aid first. The ITE ones might be good for you, but the BTEs tend to have MORE power....and you can also get them in cool colors! AND you can get jewrely for them!!/pages/Hearrings-By-Torrie/127033623999619
I do not like the bte ones cuz of sunglasses and they hurt my ears I have to have a break from them and i dont like it to be oviouse that i wear hearing aides ( dont ask why) i do know about the colors my son has baby blue ones with green and blue tiedye molds and my daughter has pink ones with purple and pink molds .... I love that they have colors wish they had that when I was a kid! Makes hearing aides cool looking to the hearing kids
in·sur·ance   /ɪnˈʃʊərəns, -ˈʃɜr-/ Show Spelled
[in-shoor-uhns, -shur-] Show IPA

1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
2. coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.
3. the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy.
I think it is unfair to demand from insurance companies because this is no accident, you already have hearing loss. It is like, ok here is the insurance premium here and I am paying so you can pay me for my hearing aid and accessories. To Insurance company it is a pure loss to them.
I know some of you would disagree, but here is the dose of reality.
Money don't come from tree. It comes from somebody that pays for it.

If you expand your concept of what Insurance is... Health insurance for a group should include risk (to the insurance company) that some members in the group might have a hearing loss. If you consider that companies often hire employees and those employees often receive insurance as part of their compensation, all of their pre-existing conditions are usually covered. This means that it doesn't matter when a hearing loss occurred, it's covered. The word Insurance can apply to both the individual and to the Insurance company (keep in mind that the insurance company is almost always underwritten by another insurance company or financial group). :cool2:
I do not like the bte ones cuz of sunglasses and they hurt my ears I have to have a break from them and i dont like it to be oviouse that i wear hearing aides ( dont ask why) i do know about the colors my son has baby blue ones with green and blue tiedye molds and my daughter has pink ones with purple and pink molds .... I love that they have colors wish they had that when I was a kid! Makes hearing aides cool looking to the hearing kids

I too often want to make my hearing aids disappear (actually now I have a Cochlear Implant - but same thing)
in·sur·ance   /ɪnˈʃʊərəns, -ˈʃɜr-/ Show Spelled
[in-shoor-uhns, -shur-] Show IPA

1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one's person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a payment proportionate to the risk involved.
2. coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract.
3. the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy.
I think it is unfair to demand from insurance companies because this is no accident, you already have hearing loss. It is like, ok here is the insurance premium here and I am paying so you can pay me for my hearing aid and accessories. To Insurance company it is a pure loss to them.
I know some of you would disagree, but here is the dose of reality.
Money don't come from tree. It comes from somebody that pays for it.

Unfair?! BALONEY!!!! Insurance companies seems willing to to pay for CI's that costs more, but not for HA's!!! Being deaf doesnt mean we have to pay for deaf equipment just to live in the hearing world and not get tax breaks like blind do. We are not asking insurance to pay in full, but 80/20 like other services they provide that costs MORE!!

PURE LOSS??? yeah right my ass!!!! they get upset when they cant communicate in person, but yet they will pay for alternative medicine like acupuncture. Its our money that we pay from working. its our money we pay for the premiums to make sure we stay healthy so we can keep working. Its our money we pay for the deaf devices such as hearing aids. We pay good amount of money for batteries that we throw away after its used up. do we get tax breaks ? nope. SHOULD WE?! heck yes!!!

Is it an accident to become deaf? 90 percent of time no. what about the Vets from overseas that was next to a bomb that blew out their eardrums or cause ringing for rest of their life for serving our country??
is it a accident to get old and we use pharmacy coverage to pay for medicine? no but they get coverage and so will YOU!

For those who NEED HA's shouldn't have to be forced to bear the full cost.

Look at it this way- we don't get tax breaks when buying cars so we can go to work and doctor appts. that because its standard for hearing and deaf.
Hearing aids is NOT a standard. it becomes a necessity for older generation and those who are born deaf or become laten deaf if it can help. We go to doctors because it CAN help us. same for hearing aids.

deaf/hoh unite!! against insurance companies!!!!
I have really great comprehensive coverage with my insurance, but they would not cover HAs for my daughter, and we had to try several types, nor did they cover her molds, which would cost us $90 a shot, and we went through 12 molds in one 6 month period when she was 1 (6X, for each ear) -- serious growth spurts. I never tried getting coverage for batteries, but I've heard people can sometimes get them reimbursed. I've written to our congress reps. Probably should have attended the local AGBell rally to get coverage for HAs, but wasn't able to make it.

We were able to get help for the HAs themselves via a loan program managed by the hospital, subsidized through donations, although they discontinued the program a month or so later.
At this year of 2011, It's a bad idea for anyone who are over age 18, some insurance does not cover for the visiting fee to the audiology office, not cover the "tons" of batteries, not cover the lost or missing CI, not cover for mapping. so think hard before you go for it. My hub is stuck with CI that he can't switch back to HA.

Sadly Insurance doesnt cover hearing aides for people over 17 and under 65 (in my experience) anyone else have this problem?

All years I knew any of Insurance will not cover HA but cover for CI! If you are on SSI/SSDI and their MC (insurance) will cover your HA and CI.

Another way is go to Speech/Hearing Clinic and provide you a HA or Vocational Rehabilitation will provide you a HA.

That is depend on your incomes of your payments to enough cover a HA with them (Speech or VR).
I wish I was on SSI my life would be easier but unfortonately I make more money than SSI pays me lol so that is not an option Maryland denied my kids SSI so I have to try to apply for it since Ive moved to West Virginia.

As far as insurance yea every insurance company Ive had since I have been off my parents insurance told me I had to pay out of pocket for my HA which is fine and all but its alot they cant help with some of it. Even if I had to pay for the audiologist apointments for them to cover 80% of the HA im fine with that. Its pretty bad that I cant even afford Ear Molds... The temp ones are good but they are only temp. I started using my sons old ear mold since I had a temp earmold stuck in the back of my ear that was scarry... as far as CI i couldnt imagine having to pay out of pocket for that I have a hearing friend whos son has a CI and the state covered it but she said it was expensive.
I have a small, tiny, pediatric BTE hearing aid that can go over my glasses :)

BTW, I had a pink and purple earmold when I was in 2nd grade but it caused an allergic recation in my ears.
old earmolds are good to have since I can wear them on my old hearing aid.
support to doesn't work insurance reason my cochlear implant,It is very tough lots of better improve pretty sound! member have problem on member reason issues!!
Probably should have attended the local AGBell rally to get coverage for HAs, but wasn't able to make it.
At the state house? I was there! We almost got to meet! Hahahaaahh you did not miss anything. The parents who spoke were kind of
stereotypical AG Bell......oh god there was a mom who was basicly Mrs. Speech and Language ...." Oh they need to hear that. They need to hear that you need access to spoken language." :roll:
At the state house? I was there! We almost got to meet! Hahahaaahh you did not miss anything. The parents who spoke were kind of
stereotypical AG Bell......oh god there was a mom who was basicly Mrs. Speech and Language ...." Oh they need to hear that. They need to hear that you need access to spoken language." :roll:

One of these days, DD -- we keep crossing paths, I know we are going to meet up and look forward to it! Hoping I'll get my ASL up to par in time.

It's tricky. To get insurance coverage, they are making a case to a legislature and public voters made up of primarily hearing people, if not all hearing people, that hearing aids are used as an accommodation for some typical physiological function that is missing, more like a prosthetic device or glasses than a nice to have technology that anyone might use to make our lives easier or better like a smartphone, macbook, or alarm clock. You don't expect them to argue that 'eh, HAs, take them or leave them' at a rally to get insurance coverage for them, do you :laugh2: ?
You missed my point!

It is like you would decide to wait until after your car got accident and walks up to insurance guy, pay em and ask them to pay for the repair on that accidented car. IT wont happen, because it is like trying to take advantage of Insurance system.

Or the other view, you bought a car that already had an accident in the past then asking insurance company to cover the loss, it won't happen.

The idea of having insurance is to cover the cost of the loss on future unexpected, unplanned events, it was never intended to cover the past losses.


Unfair?! BALONEY!!!! Insurance companies seems willing to to pay for CI's that costs more, but not for HA's!!! Being deaf doesnt mean we have to pay for deaf equipment just to live in the hearing world and not get tax breaks like blind do. We are not asking insurance to pay in full, but 80/20 like other services they provide that costs MORE!!

PURE LOSS??? yeah right my ass!!!! they get upset when they cant communicate in person, but yet they will pay for alternative medicine like acupuncture. Its our money that we pay from working. its our money we pay for the premiums to make sure we stay healthy so we can keep working. Its our money we pay for the deaf devices such as hearing aids. We pay good amount of money for batteries that we throw away after its used up. do we get tax breaks ? nope. SHOULD WE?! heck yes!!!

Is it an accident to become deaf? 90 percent of time no. what about the Vets from overseas that was next to a bomb that blew out their eardrums or cause ringing for rest of their life for serving our country??
is it a accident to get old and we use pharmacy coverage to pay for medicine? no but they get coverage and so will YOU!

For those who NEED HA's shouldn't have to be forced to bear the full cost.

Look at it this way- we don't get tax breaks when buying cars so we can go to work and doctor appts. that because its standard for hearing and deaf.
Hearing aids is NOT a standard. it becomes a necessity for older generation and those who are born deaf or become laten deaf if it can help. We go to doctors because it CAN help us. same for hearing aids.

deaf/hoh unite!! against insurance companies!!!!