Insulting Editorial in the New York Post


Active Member
Dec 21, 2005
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This is an editorial piece, so it is just this one person's opinion, but it is very insulting. You can find his e-mail address by reading the article here.

Here is what he had to say:

At Gallaudet University, students and faculty have been protesting the selection of Jane K. Fernandes as president of the school - because she isn't deaf enough.

Gallaudet is one the nation's premier universities for deaf people - and Fernandes has been deaf her entire life. But apparently some deafness is "more equal than others" - and Fernandes didn't learn to "sign" until the age of 23. She preferred speaking - which, incredibly, is considered a liability.

One could expect such nonsense from students. But the faculty, much to its discredit, endorsed their mentality with a "no-confidence" vote.

It is bad enough that one must be deaf - regardless of other qualifications - to qualify for a job at a university that serves a deaf population. That one must also be a "certain kind" of deaf is absurd.​

I know the NY Post is basically a tabloid paper, so they are trying to make people mad, but this is just outrageous.
Well, in a way... the editor is right. With students, it's understandable. However, with faculty/staff members... it's a bit immature. In the real world, if a new manager is selected... employees have to accept it regardless of his disability or culture.
Well you know.....what percentage of the students are protesting b/c she's not the correct kind of deaf? It does seem like a lot of the people against her, are against her b/c of administrative issues or leadership issues or b/c she's not friendly enough....
Its sad - but that WAS the initial gist of the protest. She "didn't say hi", she "was raised oral", she "didn't learn sign till later in life" .. of course they spun that in a different direction when it was shown how ridiculous it was making them look.
Well, the editor is right. She signs very sloppy...
Etoile said:
This is an editorial piece, so it is just this one person's opinion, but it is very insulting. You can find his e-mail address by reading the article here.

Here is what he had to say:

At Gallaudet University, students and faculty have been protesting the selection of Jane K. Fernandes as president of the school - because she isn't deaf enough.

Gallaudet is one the nation's premier universities for deaf people - and Fernandes has been deaf her entire life. But apparently some deafness is "more equal than others" - and Fernandes didn't learn to "sign" until the age of 23. She preferred speaking - which, incredibly, is considered a liability.

One could expect such nonsense from students. But the faculty, much to its discredit, endorsed their mentality with a "no-confidence" vote.

It is bad enough that one must be deaf - regardless of other qualifications - to qualify for a job at a university that serves a deaf population. That one must also be a "certain kind" of deaf is absurd.​

I know the NY Post is basically a tabloid paper, so they are trying to make people mad, but this is just outrageous.
The part that I found most offensive was the last paragraph: "It is bad enough that one must be deaf - regardless of other qualifications - to qualify for a job at a university that serves a deaf population." The author is basically saying that DPN was a dumb idea, because a hearing person should be able to lead Gallaudet just fine.

In fact that is what the whole editorial is saying. The author is pretty much laughing at the idea of Deaf culture.
My letter to NY Post

Here is the letter I sent to the writer of this piece at the NY Post:

Hi ..

Congratulations on falling "hook, line and sinker" for Jane Fernandes' explanation of why students, staff, faculty and alumni of Gallaudet University are protesting her appointment as president.

Jane chose to paint a picture of this protest that makes herself look good and the protesters look bad. Unfortunately, many dim-witted media types played right along with this charade.

Her wrongful interpretation of the protest sets the deaf community's image back many years, but she doesn't care. It's all about Jane and what works best for her. Just one more example why the deaf community does not want her representing them.

They don't want her because she is an aloof and uncaring and dictatorial administrator and not a nice person at all. It has nothing to do with "deaf enough" -- but just because she said it, you assume it's true.

Did you even TRY to talk with any deaf people to get the other side of the story?

Perhaps it's time to back to school and take a refresher course in journalism.

Tom Willard
Editor, Deafweekly
Rochester, NY
Mookie said:
Well, the editor is right. She signs very sloppy...

However, she does sign, and I think that's an important thing to note. Personally, I think her signing is far clearer than IKJ, and she doesn't use sim-com when addressing a deaf audience (like at graduation).
ayala920 said:
However, she does sign, and I think that's an important thing to note. Personally, I think her signing is far clearer than IKJ, and she doesn't use sim-com when addressing a deaf audience (like at graduation).

Ha ha ha. That's good one. I do not think that you have chatted with her in person...
Fernandes is a joke signing-wise. She coudln't hold her own in a converstation which was full-fledged ASL. She'd need a interpreter, that is how bad she is.
Huh...I feel like I'm the only one who was insulted by the editorial. Oh well, chat on.
jamielee said:
if she is not good enough why did they elect her?

The students claimed they "weren't listened to" with regards to the election - but in all honesty I can't think of a single board of trustees that ever took a popular vote at a university before chosing the next president.
Etoile said:
Huh...I feel like I'm the only one who was insulted by the editorial. Oh well, chat on.
I was offended too. I wrote an e mail to Arnold Ahlert. (his e mail can be found with the opinion column) He actually responded to me twice. It turns out what he does is merely collect information and then posts his opninion, therefore he is not a reporter out for the truth or a reporter at all.
Batou said:
I was offended too. I wrote an e mail to Arnold Ahlert. (his e mail can be found with the opinion column) He actually responded to me twice. It turns out what he does is merely collect information and then posts his opninion, therefore he is not a reporter out for the truth or a reporter at all.
Yeah, I knew it was an editorial, it was just his opinion, he was just doing his job...but jeez, his job is apparently to be an asshole. :mad: