I was not implying that. I was just taking a look at some of your on-line behavior. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone," and all that.There can be a number of ways to deal "inappropriately-eg criminal activity" with sudden "disability/ lack of employment". I don't the "crime rate" follows from disability-at all.
Personal note: My son was on probation for behavior while high, He tried that new legal K2 imitation marijuana, and went psycho (it made the headlines of the community newspaper). He will bear the physical scars of that episode for the rest of his life. His probation was revoked, and he spent the last four months in jail. He has just been released, and is greatly improved. No more dextromethorphan, went to Mass with me yesterday, and is generally the young man I wanted him to be. He only has to pay court costs for the psycho episode.
Yes, he does have other handicapping conditions. "Criminal" behavior can be a manifestation of other problems. That does not make the person a criminal (in the sense of evil). The justice system can force the individual to deal with those problems. That is the meaning of rehabilitation.