Institutions for Deaf with problem social ??


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Feb 8, 2007
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Hello !

I am student in France (sorry if there are errors in English here), I want become an educator.
I would like to work with deaf with difficult in social (example : girls prostitutes, people without home, children with problem family...)

Next year, I can go to foreign country to work for 2 months.

I want to work for deaf with problem social. (It not have in France).
I dream to help deaf in prison.
Is it have in Canada or in USA or in other country : institution works for deaf in prison ?

Or, I can meet young deaf on the street (without school or dont like to go or without idea for the future)...
Is it have a structure for them in Canada or in USA or in other country ?

Or any other institution for deaf with problem social in the world ??

Thank you for your reply (with website of institution and/or his address) !!!

Good night !!!

PS : I dont know where i must post this text, then I put here and in "Deaf Education".
Hi Aurelie: I didn't recall much discussion re: deaf persons in federal prisons getting "special assistance".Never mentioned in any newspaper as a "problem". Don't recall any Deaf group making any comment if this is a problem.

Is this common in France, Europe?

Good luck Aurelie in your future education.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Hello Aurélie,

First, I would like to apologize for DrPhil coming here and inputting on something he knows entirely nothing about. He is not even immersed in the Deaf community, hence ignorance is being shown.

Second, you're entirely correct on the fact there are problems in prisons, and deaf youths.

It is a well-documented knowledge, but the problem really is at getting to these people. Not many places will lend you the information on how to find the children on the streets (not that there are many here in general, as opposed to other places that I am aware of) and deaf people in prison - hard to access that information unless they tell you. Problem is that they usually have totally no communication with the outside world.

Third world countries probably is your best bet. I have a friend that works with a non profit organization that does that. Finding deaf children in poverty ridden areas and working with them. She says its tough.

Much blessings to you for taking up this task.
Thank you for your replies !!!

DrPhil, it is not have in France about help for deaf in prison or deaf on the street... It is not have help for deaf with problem social.
Except : help for deaf woman (beat, rape......) and about AIDS are here in France, only.
That's why i search if it is have in other country.. Maybe in Europe or others continents.

Psots from hell (wow! :hmm:), you mean in your contry, it is not have about help these deaf persons ? If yes, can I know what is your country ?
You said that your friend works for deaf children, where is the country? city? what is name of the organization ?
What is her work ? Deaf on the street? or school for the deaf ?

Thank you for your encouragements ! :aw:
Deaf children in rural areas in Mexico are severely disadvantaged. There are not enough resources available for them to go to residential schools. Special education is nearly non-existent in Mexico. These children grow up without any education, and only very primitive home-sign, which, of course, limits them to communication with family.

There are deaf communities in Mexico where hereditary deafness is common, and they do have their own sign language. However, this, of course, is uncommon.

If you want to develop programs for the deaf in a place where there is almost nothing, Hispanic America is the place to go. If you know Spanish, go for it!! You can contact Catholic missionary programs for further information.

Oh, it is interesting in Mexico... But by my school, i can do training course in an organisme (ready) only. I cant develop myself. Do you understand ?
Do you know an organisme ready in any place ?

But after this school in Mexico, how are deaf adult? They have a job? Are they autonomous ?
If others don't mind, I would rather that you write in French. My French is Ok for reading, but not for writing.

I just did a bit of research, and Index - le CEP, animateur du rseau des tablissements scolaires ignatiens
maybe they could tell you something about it.

I am sure there are some resources for the deaf in Mexico, but they are underdeveloped. I don't know much about the Mexican signing communities, I read a book about it a year ago.
Hi Aurelie again: My original comment related to Canada-where I live.

PFH lives in Boulder which is a city in Colorado- a state in the USA. He is correct I have no DIRECT EXPERIENCE of deaf persons in Canadian prisons.- Was never incarcerated! Was he in prison for direct experience? Sorry, I don't know.

Wouldn't countries like the U K/Germany be closer for you to study?

Again much success in your new studies, Aurelie

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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There is nothing here in anything I keyed which could be classified as a "hate crime". Specify?

The "project" was 3 years ago. There was no mention of the "deaf/Deaf" that I read.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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????? Just making a comment that "drphil"'s attitude is similar to the attitudes of those who do such things. Only different in intensity.
????? Just making a comment that "drphil"'s attitude is similar to the attitudes of those who do such things. Only different in intensity.

Just ignore drphil. Go on posting what you want to help OrelyFrench find a way to help people who are underdeveloped and deprive of their education and job training. I don't know much about where to find sources for OrelyFrench to obtain but your suggestions seem good to me. That is cool. :cool2:

Keep on this topic, please. :ty:
Another "intramural exercise" that Aurelie will have some difficulty in deciphering which has nothing to do with the original query.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Please, all people can post here...
I dont see problem with Drphill, i dont understand why some of you said to ignore him... :roll:

MCB, thank you for others website.. But it is school...
But i want deaf without job, or become "bad", or do violence, they can age start 16years old to 99 years old...
Example for hearing, some educators go to street and meet people, talk with them, give to them some idea.... And for deaf, it have ?

Drphil, yes i can go to UK or Germany or others. Only i want to know where are the places about my dream....

My friend give something in UK.. Maybe you can be interested :
bid services
Deaf Info - Towards Equity and Access report

I send mail to WFD, maybe they know.... :aw:

Thank you for your encouragements...

Good day !
Ici quelque chose:

Providing Substance Abuse Treatment to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients

There is a substance abuse treatment program for deaf and hoh in Minneapolis Minnesota. You could also contact state prisons and see what kind of services they provide for deaf inmates. Maybe you could contact the Quebec Department of Corrections.

There is little available that specializes-- in most cases, integrated services with ASL interpreters suffice.

Substance abuse is a different issue, because of loneliness and excuse-making. In searching, I found online video AA meetings. :cool2:

Il y a un programme de traitement de toxicomanie pour des sourds et hoh au Minnesota Minneapolis. Vous pourriez aussi contacter des prisons d'état et voir quel genre de services ils prévoient(pourvoient) des résidents sourds. Peut-être vous obtiendriez du succès avec le Département du Québec de Corrections.

Il y a peu disponible qui se spécialise - dans la plupart des cas(affaires), les services intégrés avec des interprètes ASL suffisent.

La toxicomanie est une question(publication) différente, à cause de la solitude et la fabrication d'excuse. Dans la recherche, j'ai trouvé la vidéo en ligne AA des réunions(rencontres).

Sorry, but my professional background is in education. I have seen that deaf people in Latin America have a lot of difficulties. I forgot that if you know French sign you can easily learn ASL, because of their common origin,

Désolé, mais mon contexte(formation) professionnel est dans l'enseignement(éducation). J'ai vu que les personnes sourdes en Amérique latine ont beaucoup de difficultés. J'ai oublié que si vous savez(connaissez) le signe(panneau) français vous pouvez facilement apprendre ASL, à cause de leur origine commune,

Reverso | Free online translation, dictionary
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Thanks Aurelie.

In Canada the Federal government operates prisons for those sentenced
over 2 years for crimes. Not sure the exact numbers in Federal prisons at the moment but understand substantial less than say the United States. Of this segment-not sure if the deaf/Deaf make up what percentage?

The Province operates prisons for those sentenced to LESS THAN 2 years. no up to date info on how many are incarcerated today. No direct interest to me. Again, no breakdown of how many are deaf/Deaf of this population.

As for "substance abuse" re the deaf/Deaf/Hard of hearing in prisons/outside not exactly much discussion in newspapers-at least here in Toronto where I live.

Oddly enough, it is my understanding that Quebec has the LOWEST incarceration rate of all Canadian Provinces. Seems some "conservatives" are upset over this-at least according to newspaper reports.

I have noted this before, I am retired at the moment.

Again Aurelie much success in your new journey.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony Activated Aug/07
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Perhaps the incarceration rate in Quebec is because they are doing something RIGHT!! My sister works with Wisconsin corrections, and she says that most people in jail or prison are there at least partially because of substance abuse-related problems. The incarceration rate in the United States is the highest in the world. United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Long terms in prison can socialize the individual to the criminal subculture.

Something is seriously wrong, here.

And, drphil, unexpected disability and inability to work can be a big blow to one's ego. Particularly if one has held to "conservative" beliefs in the past. It can be very difficult to have a positive image of one's self in such situations. Sometimes taking it out on others can be an easy way out of that discomfort.

Welcome to humanity.

Peut-être le taux(tarif) d'incarcération dans le Québec est parce qu'ils font quelque chose le DROIT!! Mes œuvres(travaux) de soeur avec des corrections du Wisconsin et elle dit que la plupart des personnes en prison ou la prison sont là au moins partiellement à cause de la substance des problèmes concernant l'abus. Le taux(tarif) d'incarcération aux États-Unis est le plus haut dans le monde. taux(tarif) d'incarcération des États-Unis - Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre(gratuite)

Longtemps les termes peuvent en prison socialiser l'individu à la sous-culture criminelle.

Quelque chose est faux sérieusement, ici.

Et, drphil, l'incapacité(invalidité) inattendue et l'incapacité de travailler(marcher) peuvent être un grand coup à son ego. Particulièrement si on s'est en tenu aux croyances "conservatrices" en passé. Il peut être très difficile d'avoir une image positive de son moi dans de telles situations. Parfois l'enlèvement de cela sur d'autres peut être une sortie facile de ce malaise.

Bienvenu à l'humanité..
MCB: Quebec seem to use "probation much more" than other Provinces- so I understand.

There can be a number of ways to deal "inappropriately-eg criminal activity" with sudden "disability/ lack of employment". I don't know if the "crime rate" follows from disability-at all.

The "Conservaties" I was referring to- is the federal political party which is the Government at the moment- building MORE prisons by decreasing allowable time for wait period to trials.This is the time from being arrested to actual trial. I understand Canadian law is very different from US law in this regard.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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