Originally posted by Liza
If you could have a title for your life.. what would it be?
Whats your fav color? Why? How does it make you feel?
What do you see when you look up?
What is love?
Do you have kids?
When was the last time you cried? And why?
Favorite books? Movies?
HOw did you find AD?
What attracts you to it?
When was your first kiss? How was it?
What is your advice to us here in AD if you have any?!
Where have you been to? (countries, etc)
Why do you have a lot or rage inside? Do you need help?
Blue and I had answered that color earlier. How does it feel, can u mind rephrase that ? What I see when I looked up?
How does it feel to love, oh god, Umm... like u dont care how much ur with that person and ur world actually melted down. Ur mind was being blew away. Ur thoughts was all about the person u love. Everything just basically disappear but eyes to eyes with the person u love and never noticed anything else until u "wake up" from a "dream." thats what love is to me. Turn out I lost that. Right now I am not paying any attention to guys but my daughter right now.
I have 1, shes almost 4 mos and her name is Leila Katie.

(Shes hearing as I said earlier posts.)
Last time I cried was losing the person I love.
Movies/Books....got bunch of them.

But I do hate jim carrey or people like him. Ugh!
I found this ad by Prostock who keep opening his mouth in his site.

I happen to surf by and luv it. THANKS PRO!
What attract me? I think u mean the guys? Umm...personality. Plain it. I have the looks but that doesnt come first. The personality is what comes first. No one is pertect and everyone have 1 but theres certain things I dont like about some peeps with their personalities.
my first kiss? *laughing* I dont really know but I think it was a deaf guy in my school. Ugh, omg...I still cant believe today I did. I did it like when I was like i dont know.. at least 8 years old? *laughing* I really dont know.
My advice...cant think of 1.
I have travel in states, not country. Aint going to get my butt in planes. *Shake my head no*
I have alot of rage against my families and against my deaf school. I bottled up with my family and some friends in school. The systems is different story. For weird reason I turn out to have BIPOLAR. Possible ADD too. *sigh* I dont need help becaues I got alot of helps today. Thanks for offering tho.