I had my first interpreting assignment in asl this past tuesday. On tuesday nights we meet with the english cong. for school and service meeting and I was the assistant interpreter. I interpreted the audience comments and experiences. I used to interpret years ago but using signed english. But I did alright for only knowing asl for 8 months. But I am in no hurry to interpret again. I was nervous and couldn't wait for it to be over with lol! December 18th I have my second talk. It should've been my fourth but one was assigned the week of our district assembly so that was cancelled and one week i had an assignment but no one told me some mix up. That's ok it so happened both those times wouldn't been good for me. We go in the back for talks 2,3 and 4 in asl. The highlights be book and instruction talk is done with the english. So we have interpreters for that and for the service meeting.
Hey cool, because we are still a group here in Springfield we work things the same way by having the asl 2, 3 and 4 talks in the 2nd school, while the rest of the meeting is interpreted.
That's cool that you got to do some interpreting, I haven't done that yet (for comments or the meeting at least), I did give my first part in asl in Oct, the story of the 12 spies It was fun (though I was very nervous), can't wait to do it again!