In Love....With Her Father-in-law.....

sound hillbilly life to me lol I think her kids will be confused.. but oh well... my husband's grandfather's father was shot dead so my husband's grandfather's mother married my husband's grandfather's father's brother and had kids with him. yes it is true. my husband's grandfather's cousins are his brothers.
sound hillbilly life to me lol I think her kids will be confused.. but oh well... my husband's grandfather's father was shot dead so my husband's grandfather's mother married my husband's grandfather's father's brother and had kids with him. yes it is true. my husband's grandfather's cousins are his brothers.

:giggle: :giggle: ...They are from Alabama!
just to let you know there are all kinds of weird relationships out there that would confuse children. as long it is not illegal, that's all it matters.
It is none of my business what two adults do in their personal lives as long as they are not putting anyone in danger. I dont judge what people do behind closed doors.

Same here. I don't live with them so it's their choices. remember they live with kind of secret personals everyday. thats tough.
It's not like marrying a cousin who is genetically related. These people are not genetically related. They are only related by a former marriage. The children are related to the grandfather, not the mother of the children.
It's not like marrying a cousin who is genetically related. These people are not genetically related. They are only related by a former marriage. The children are related to the grandfather, not the mother of the children.

That may be true, but its still not kosher. I am with Robin here and I don't think making her feel bad for being "judgemental" was called for. She feels uncomfortable with the situation and I don't blame her. I would too.
I don't worry about "kosher." I try to treat people with kindness and compassion no matter what their circumstance.