in Connecticut! :)


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Hi all! My name is Chris. I'm hearing and an RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) student doing my internship in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Have been learning ASL through Deaf events and friends, also at school where I take classes at NTID. I'm looking for events and such in the local area, where I might be able to keep my ASL skills where they are, instead of forgetting everything! :( Kinda nervous to get out there where I don't know anyone, so anything will help. Also, I'm just a nice guy looking to make some friends....Have a nice day! :)
G'day Chris,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll enjoy yourself here. Good luck continuing with ASL. :)
Cheers :wave:
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)
Welcome to AD! :wave:

I see you are a ME. I won't hold that against you. ;) (I am an EE) :giggle:

Have you Googled for deaf events? There are several websites that promote Deaf get-togethers. I'd post the links here but for some reason they automatically get "stared **** out" :dunno: Include coffee as a search word.

Welcome to AD! :wave:

I see you are a ME. I won't hold that against you. ;) (I am an EE) :giggle:

Have you Googled for deaf events? There are several websites that promote Deaf get-togethers. I'd post the links here but for some reason they automatically get "stared **** out" :dunno: Include coffee as a search word.


HAH! Thanks for the friendly remarks Dave. I've sent some emails around, but never get any replies. Well, maybe I can make some friends on here and see where it goes and I'll do that search.


Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Hmm...if it gets to a point of not accomplishing what you're set out to do which is to meet other individuals who communicate in ASL...stand in front of a mirror and sign? :D Ahh...all kidding aside, check to see if you have a 'Deaf Club' in your town (that is if it a good sized city) or find the nearest can try 'googling' that or check with the City Hall for further guidance/direction in order to find what you're looking for. Nervous? I don't think you really are, after-all, you're 'stepping' right out and being upfront with the desire to 'meet' others and wishes you much success as well! This 'online community' has a great deal of many wonderful members whom I'm sure you're bound to either meet or simply be an 'online-friend'...therefore, I do hope your stay here is memorable and a good one! ;)

Have a great day! :wave:

:welcome: to AD! Everyone is very friendly here! :)
:welcome: To All Deaf TheNapolitan!!
Good Luck in your schooling:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
Hey Bro!!!

How's Connecticut... and I'm sure your signs are just as fine as they are whenyou were in Rochester!!

Miss ya buddy...

:welcome: Welcome to AD! :)

oh, I am going to NTID next year! :P
maybe Ill see u there in this fall! :D

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