I was trying to ignore it, but I can't, I just can't hardly stand it.
It is NOT fake, it's just different. AND the difference is dependent on the level of loss. I didn't even GET aids until my hearing had reached severe levels, and guess what, things didn't sound that different!! This is coming from someone late deafened, that at a young adult had perfect hearing. Stupid sounds, white noise that a hearing person can filter out no problem may be oversimplified bit the sound is the same, just louder. Music? Still had no problems at all listening to it, I did karaoke all the damn time when I had my analogs.
It's not fake. Has amplify really real sounds to where your really real ears can hear those real sounds, and you really hear it. I was never aided when my loss was more moderate or even mild, and I bet the difference was even less. I didn't run into any real problems until I reached profound. But what I hear is real, I don't fake it, if I can't understand something, I ask for a repeat. I am able to a real conversation without "faking it".
Not every dhh kid had profound loss, believe it or not, as I said previously, the level if loss, is going to make a big difference on just how useful hearing aids are. To really hear you know really real sounds.
I'm not even going to make assertions about CI. You know why? Because I have no personal experience with them. So any assertion I make would be by second knowledge, and nobody should do that. Yeah you either, until you lived it, experienced it, YOU just don't know.