Impact of having library in your community


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I use the library all the time. Except I use it online for ebooks.
A Whole Lot of Americans Would Be Angry if Their Public Library Closed - Emily Badger - The Atlantic Cities

How do you feel having a library or 2 in your community? It's interesting that people want the community to have library even though they may not use it. I'll admit that I used library a lot growing up. I use library less and less often those days.

library is a great place for kids to go to after school. I still go to library here and there to work or to pick up books from different town.
My kids still attends to the librbary. They have good events, and online stuff and books.
We have a library but its not very good one. Most of books are torn, missing pages, water damaged and just unreadable. And thats how the library get them. Its rare when a new book is put in. Also if you jave to do reseatch for a class and they ask for recent books, then you cant do the research there either. If the library was in better conditions it would be awsome.
We mostly have very good Libraries up here in Alaska. The one here in Wasilla did not censor their books like Sarah Palin demanded. It was desperately in need of more space more books updated computers. Instead she and local cronies pounded through a brand new Sports Arena that has cost millions and we in a town of less than ten thousand people have to really juggle to keep the doors open on it. We already had one.
Now at last nearly 15 years later we are planning on a new library. Yay!!
It will be nice to move away from the reputation we have as the stupidest most corrupt city in the state of Alaska.
My boyfriend and I are currently looking to buy our first house together.... One of the towns were looking at revolves around the library... I think it's cool!
We go to both our City library and the County library once a week.
I have seen people at the library on a Friday taking out movies to watch at home. One couple where talking about picking up some popcorn too. Some people just do not want to spend $20 or to see a movie . The homeless men go to there to get out of the cold and sleep in chair that in corner of a room. I was told the membership goes up when the economy get bad at our library .

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