I understand your point of view, but the matter of fact that there are more illegal aliens in Federal prisons for drug trafficking. We must take responsibility of our own country, We need to take control of flow of drugs in the United States, we need to keep those illegal aliens out because we don't know their background, if they have committed a federal crime in their own country and seek in America to get away with a federal crime, then we are fools for allowing them have access to America, there's little or no chance that they will be caught. Where would justice be for the victims?
No you don't understand what I was saying. Reba don't too, but surprisely much of other around this thread taking her side while she is only trying to tease on me and don't understand me at the same time.
Imagine WHOLE of the earth is the United States. The United States take care of the drugs issues around the world, took care of the weapons around the world, took care of people around the world, took care of the police around the world, etc etc etc...
Then we will not have to worry about any of illegal immigrants or would we ask "What the heck is illegal immigrants?". Look at Bush, China, etc. They ignore the Global Warming, which will kill WHOLE of the people around the world and pay attention about how they can care of the little country, and the little war. Right now we are having the pollution coming from China around the Pacific States.
All I see today is a messed up and nonsense of wars. All I see the "war" is just someone who want to win and being greedy of its country.
All we need to worry about is whosever the UFO enter our earth.