racist Mexico law
"prove knowledge of Spanish"
The Nationality Law establishes also that a foreigner that wishes to naturalize must do the following:[2]
present the application to the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs;
formulate the renunciation and taking of the oath of nationality once this has been given;
prove knowledge of Spanish and Mexican history integratation to the national culture; and
prove residence in Mexico for five years immediately prior to the submission of the application, or
two years of residency if:
a direct descendant of a Mexican by birth; or
is the mother or father of a Mexican by birth; or
is a national of a Latin American or Iberian country; or
to the judgment of the Secretariat, she or he has performed or created outstanding works in a cultural, social, scientific, technical, artistic, sports or business area that benefit the nation, in which case, the foreigner is not required to have resided in the country for the number of years prescribed in the law; or
one year of residency if adopted by a Mexican national, as well as all minors, who are second generation descendants or have been under tutelage of a Mexican national.