Image BB tags in some sections


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Some of us including myself have noticed that there has been an strange encounter when posting images in some sections and they seem to have been disabled, I would like to know if it is OK if you state which sections that the image BB tags are disabled, so we don't have to go wasting one of our post count, no?
Some of us including myself have noticed that there has been an strange encounter when posting images in some sections and they seem to have been disabled, I would like to know if it is OK if you state which sections that the image BB tags are disabled, so we don't have to go wasting one of our post count, no?

News: You've been banned from posting lame images in certain section.

I know this, just because.
You fail at reading comphrension.

What he meant is that you got your privileges revoked on those specific subforums. :)
Which subforums for disabled image BB tags are you referring to?
I cant remember now, just for example I wanted to joke with the scammer's thread - images won't show :|
Ah ok, if it happens again next time, make note of what section of forums and post it in here. :)