I had full hearing for my first 18 years, went HOH for 3 years and then deafness. I've been deaf since I was 21 and since my deafness was caused by a brain tumor on the auditory nerves, it's indoubtedly permanent. Also because of this, the CI isn't an option.
So in that regard, I can understand everything your saying, I've experienced life in a hearing world with full sound. I can't hear sound now and deafness does suck in that situation; there's no going back so, why fight it? You've got to play the cards your dealt.
Tonight I met a Deaf-Blind individual (my biggest fear. going blind now), this person communicates by feeling the signs and biggest stun for me of all. Works, and not just in some menial job counting potato chips or something. That really showed me that you can overcome most anything if you want to.
I don't lipread well nor do I sign that well, but I still communicate fine, email, IM, Fax, the TTY, plain old writing when I have to. Your job as a Movie Theater Usher is probably out, but just because your deaf doesn't mean you'll never have a "good job" or even be wealthy.
Self pity is fine for a rant, but don't stay in that hole; it's time to suck it up and find out what you can do, not focus on what you can't.
PS: Around here, Regal Cinemas is one of the biggest/only chains that provides Open Captioned Films