I'm not new.

:laugh2: @ pulling a Byrdie on us. Now, that's a new word added to Alldeaf's dictionary. ;)

Byrdie: Noun, A person who fakes sickness and dies with a different indentify.

:laugh2: (adding it on my dictionary) Ok let's get back to topic guys otherwise it will be locked. :)
:laugh2: (adding it on my dictionary) Ok let's get back to topic guys otherwise it will be locked. :)

Yeah we gotta get back to the topic, sorry couldn't help it. :P

Deafbajagal, I hope you get better soon!
You are all so silly!

Someone asked me what kind of teacher...I'm a high school English teacher at a residental school for the deaf...I also teach ASL part time at an university. :)
lol, you are already coining the name "byrdie" to refer as a identity con on the forum threads, ha!, that's a classic, this will be remembered.

Ouch...I was waiting for that to happen. Will we be saying "U are pulling a Brydie on us, arent you?" to anyone who says they are sick?
The Byrdie word is totally not funny.

Hello, deafbajagal, I have seen you around once in a while and I am glad you have introduced about yourself to some of the new members or old members who you are, even now to me. Now that I know that you are the teacher of a Deaf school and sign ASL. I just wish that all Deaf children or all deaf children plus HOH children would sign ASL in the Deaf program in the Deaf education all over the world. Being in a oral method program in the mainstream school is really bad and hard enough to understand without sign language whether it is in SEE or ASL. I get really frustrated trying to understand the hearing teacher and hearing students in the mainstream school by lipreading, yuk. I hope to see you around more here on AllDeaf. Just ignore other ADers who are being silly but that is their way. See you around. :wave: