Im Not Negative on a CI

ravensteve1961 said:
Ok get a CD and play it! Tell me if you can enjoy the song?


I'm hearing. I enjoy my music very much! :laugh2:
No Not You breeze i meant meg. Meg,,Go click on these songs --->Here
Scroll down to the songs and listen.Those were my favorite songs i can no longer enjoy. :tears:
I have a microphone that allows me to hear cds and enjoy these. I now enjoy going to concerts cos I can actually hear lyrics now.

Why are you challenging me, Raven? We can agree to disagree but you cannot tell me that CIs don't work cos I have a CI. *rolling my eyes*
Plus,,Im going to try to find benny hinn. Maybe he can ask GOD to give my hearing back just the way it was before that hurricane came, Benny Hinn is GODs vessel. He does miracles to people like helping them to walk,talk see and breathe on their own again.
ravensteve1961 said:
No Not You breeze i meant meg. Meg,,Go click on these songs --->Here
Scroll down to the songs and listen.Those were my favorite songs i can no longer enjoy. :tears:

What are you trying to prove? She's very happy with her CI.

Steve, just because you're still pissed off that your hearing loss progressed and aids don't work for you anymore, doesn't mean you have the right to spout off and tell someone what is best for them. Meg made her choice, and she is happy with it. Kindly leave her alone. If you want to pin your hopes on hair cell regeneration, fine, but don't knock someone for choosing the CI.

It's about personal choice, and everybody has the right to exercise theirs. Furthermore, I will tell you this.. If I lost my hearing, I highly doubt *I* would choose to implant. It's likely I'm a bad candidate for the surgery based on pre-existing conditions I was born with. I admit, I'm not a fan of the implant. However, I know enough to keep my mouth shut, and not interfere when someone says they want to have the surgery. By that point, their minds are made up, anyway, and any input I'd have wouldn't have much of an impact. So be it. I accept this as a matter of choice.

The problem here is, you pinned your hopes on the damn thing, and those hopes were dashed, so now you are vilifying the implant, and that's wrong!

Cut it out. The people here don't need to hear it.
ravensteve1961 said:
Plus,,Im going to try to find benny hinn. Maybe he can ask GOD to give my hearing back just the way it was before that hurricane came, Benny Hinn is GODs vessel. He does miracles to people like helping them to walk,talk see and breathe on their own again.

He is fake and he makes million dollars by doing this.

Beside it seems that you don't have much faith in God to be healed.
ravensteve1961 said:
Music is a mess of sounds with a CI

My wife listens to music with her CI. It doesn’t sound cacophonous at all to her—she enjoys it immensely. We went and saw Madagascar last week. She was rocking out during the closing credits and singing along with the lemurs going "I like to move it, move it…I like to move it, move it… Ya like to move it, move it…" :dance: :dance: :dance:
jazzy said:
He is fake and he makes million dollars by doing this.

Beside it seems that you don't have much faith in God to be healed.
He is NOT FAKE!!!!! Hes Real like jesus was real. People have claimed they were healed by him. They did a story on HBO and a lot of people found out why peoples bodys fail at some point.Its genetics and a family curse.Like i have a feeling my grandmother put a curse on me.It was the last 5 years of her life i refused to talk to her or associate with her because of my bad luck im having with women.She gave me this stupid personality that i couldnt change.It was very differcult and it still is changing my personality so i can get a date so i can fall in love. So i decided not to talk or associate with her until a girl takes me.Well she died and she never heard me talk to her or want to talk to her.So just 2 months after she died my cat died. Then The 2 years later i lost my hearing. Benny hinn said its in the bible of family curses and genetics.If someone in your family done something bad your sons, daugthers,Nephews and Nieces are gonna suffer because of it.Thats how GOD Punishes you. GOD doesnt punish you he deals with you when you die but he punishs you on earth buy making someone you love suffer. And someone in my family has done something wrong and now i gotta suffer for it. So i think in this case after my grandmother died she put a curse on me because i wouldnt talk to her or associate with her.Plus i refused to attend her funeral when she died. Well im gonna find her grave and im gonna piss all over her grave plus im gonna take a crap on her marker just to show my revenge whats shes done.
Oh, Ravensteve, I was really hoping that you had changed, for your own sake. I am so disappointed. :(

Your attitude will not bring you happiness, I am sorry to say.
Reba its true. Im honest here. I cant hide n lie it just not right.Sometimes when you let things out it makes you stronger.
ravensteve: I was implanted 6 months ago and I *love* music! Alot of the music I remember before losing my hearing sounds very much like what I remember with my CI. While it is true that some music sounds better than others, I'm still able to enjoy a variety of music because I can hear several frequencies and understand song lyrics instead of hearing nothing but static and drum beats with my HAs.

In regards to HAs, again, everyone is different. I had 90+ dB loss for the past 10 years and was able to use my hearing aids with an FM system until 2-3 years ago when I lost the discrimination in my right ear. (My left ear has had no discrim. for the past 10 years.) Some people may benefit from hearing aids while others may not. Those who do not benefit from hearing aids choose to get a CI because they want to hear again. As Meg has pointed out, hearing with a CI may not be normal in most cases, but it *is* still hearing -- something you'd like to have restored, right?
Oceanbreeze: You said "I admit, I'm not a fan of the implant." Not to start a debate here, but could you explain why? I commend you for respecting people's choices. :) Even though I have a CI, I'm not necessarily pro-CI. Just because a CI is right for me doesn't mean it's right for the next person. Each of us has to make that decision for ourselves.
deafdyke: I haven't been on the board long enough to know about ravensteve's hearing history, so I appreciate you clarifying that! :)
Ravensteve- i got a c.i about 4 months ago and my audiologist recommended it because i had trouble communicating with people,turns out that it has not helped me much in communication but environmental sounds are great and sound so close to real ,a dog sounds like a dog ,well at least 95% like one.Music varies depending on what it is but its way better than before when i had to strain to hear it or not hear it at all.I hesistated for 2 years after my assesment on whether to go ahead with it or not,and i don't regret it so far.I decided that as my hearing in my right ear was gone i had nothing to lose by trying it out and if i didn't like it i would just not wear the speech processor.I wasn't gonna spend the rest of my life waiting
Well i have something to lose.Suppose i do get a CI just to find out.And If it doesnt work theres NO HOPE ever regain hearing in my ear again.I have a chance to get hearing back with stem cells or anything else again. Once you get the CI Your Cochlear is gone!
you got 2 ears,it dont work in one you always got the other for later thats why i aint getting 2 c.i.'s
But you dont need 2 ears to hear,i have only been able to hear through one ear for over 20 years and being able to tell where sound come has barely if at all affected my life
ravensteve1961 said:
He is NOT FAKE!!!!! Hes Real like jesus was real. People have claimed they were healed by him. They did a story on HBO and a lot of people found out why peoples bodys fail at some point.Its genetics and a family curse.Like i have a feeling my grandmother put a curse on me.It was the last 5 years of her life i refused to talk to her or associate with her because of my bad luck im having with women.She gave me this stupid personality that i couldnt change.It was very differcult and it still is changing my personality so i can get a date so i can fall in love. So i decided not to talk or associate with her until a girl takes me.Well she died and she never heard me talk to her or want to talk to her.So just 2 months after she died my cat died. Then The 2 years later i lost my hearing. Benny hinn said its in the bible of family curses and genetics.If someone in your family done something bad your sons, daugthers,Nephews and Nieces are gonna suffer because of it.Thats how GOD Punishes you. GOD doesnt punish you he deals with you when you die but he punishs you on earth buy making someone you love suffer. And someone in my family has done something wrong and now i gotta suffer for it. So i think in this case after my grandmother died she put a curse on me because i wouldnt talk to her or associate with her.Plus i refused to attend her funeral when she died. Well im gonna find her grave and im gonna piss all over her grave plus im gonna take a crap on her marker just to show my revenge whats shes done.

No No Benny is not God alike Jesus is. He learned this from lady back in 70's. I met her couple times and she did not heal me. I have read his book years ago, that is where he learned it from her. You believe in him and I don't. Cursed? I don't believe in cursed. Why did not God let me die when I got sick which caused me deaf but it is His will that I am still here. I have no complain of being deaf because there is more out there who suffer more than I am. God did not punished me or you or anyone else. God send Jesus because He loves us so much and wanted us to connect with Him thru Jesus Christ.

Your angry at your grandmother, let her rest in peace. You need to forgive her and heal your wounded heart.

Why are u so jealous of others who have CI? Everyone I knew here got CI and they are happy with it so why don't u get one. True it is not alike hearing but at least they hear more than they did with HA.
jazzy said:
No No Benny is not God alike Jesus is. He learned this from lady back in 70's. I met her couple times and she did not heal me.
You didnt ask his wife to heal you? Hes supposed to heal you. Thats like going up to mary jesus mother ask her to heal you only her son had the power. I already e-mailed one of the pastors to asked them how can i get in touch with benny hinn. I already explained them my situtation. I will never forgive my grandmother unless she sends an angel down and help me fall in love with someone.Then ill forgive her. Until then ill find her grave and then im gonna piss all over her grave plus im gonna take a crap on her marker just to show my revenge whats shes done.