I'm new in this * Alldeaf*

Sabrina said:
Welcome to AllDeaf !!! Do not go nearby the tree ;)

Stay here ADer's You will enjoy with us !!!
Yea I enjoyed and i laugh two ppl tell mewhat to do abt * forbid lair* i laugh so hard.. you know me ... I wonder is that you * CE*? since familiar that name.. :OP:
According to your handle name I'd better stay far back for the guys. *snicker* Ok, ok, welcome aboard and enjoy your stay!
Y said:
Welcome aboard LovelyWoman (LW)

Hope u like NC as much as Florida.
Maybe u can tell the differences....

Have fun ! :thumb:
Yep , It is... But.... NC has great tourist and Mountain, even tho Hunting..
FLorida... too many men up there for me too be flirting when I am at the Beach!! ha ha! :giggle: