I'm moving....

It's really nice of you TB, I wish I could come and help you girls!... :(
^Angel^ said:
It's really nice of you TB, I wish I could come and help you girls!... :(
yea i am going help her packing this thursday.. i love her as good friends.. i know she need my help... so i always be there for her anytime! ;)
aww I gonna miss you here, Rebel. Hope everything go well for you both. I will let u know when baby going come out! :hug: Please keep in touch here :)
I sure wish you the very best that life can give you RebelGirl and with this new path you and your precious daughter will soon be venturing into, uphold one another closely and believe only in good, positive things, even having a window of opportunities opening up to ease you, your daughter with overflowing blessings, along with the enlightening and uplifting of the well of your heart with happiness, joy and love which will help you overcome and be strong!

You and your daughter will be in my thoughts and prayers--

Your 'spot and place' in Alldeaf will forever be reserved and AD'ers will look forward to your return or when you have the opportunity to continue to make your presence often in AD.

Do take great care!! :)
Well said RoadRunner :thumb:

You're going to be missed, but please do come around when you get a chance. You got a lot of people here who loves you and supports you. Remember that! Love ya! :hug:
I hope you feel better soon, RebelGirl. Split-ups are always difficult. You have the support of all of us at AD, including the headless Endymion.
Well said there Roadierunner :hug:

As the rest of us had said, you got alot of support and love here in AD, and we are right beside you girl!!! :hug:
I wish you the best, Rebelgirl. We have talked about this and I'm very proud of you. Your daughter is very important and so are you. You both deserve better future. IM me when you see me online...hugs! :ily:
Hello RG,
I'm sorry to hear about your engagement. I hope the transition will be smooth. Take care of yourself and your cute gal. :)

We'll keep your seat warm until you come back.
i will let u know how rebelgirl doing when i will see her this thursday allright??
TweetyBird said:
i will let u know how rebelgirl doing when i will see her this thursday allright??

That would be good idea to let us how RegelGirl is doing and her daughter too :)
AWWW, that is going to be hard, but hang in there.. :sadwave: Come back when you have the time or get a chance to see how are you doing.
OH no i read ur post and i do uddy that you and ur daughter move and live w/ur aunt for while and remma stay be strong and brave! i glad that TB is alway be there for you when you need chat w/her smile and hope there everythings will smooth for you smile and see you around when you have feel chance or have time *hug* t'care muah RebelGirl
RebelGirl said:
we called off the engagement and decided not to be together. That's all I'll say for now.

Edit: I meant my fiance and I.

You have my :hug: I'm very sorry and can feel for you how very heartbroken... :tears: I can image how you feel when you & your daughter have to move out... It hurt my feeling to see you like this.

I will think of you & your adorable daughter. You both are in my prayers and hope everything goes smooth for you both...

Tweetybirdie, you are a such dearest friend who support RebelGirl. She need someone to talk with. Rebelgirl is lucky to have a dearest friend like you. (I know what it alike because my close friend Tine had through after death of her husband last July 2005 - I'm sure you saw my thread. She feel good with my support).

I will be there for you if you want to talk...

I like your post, Roadrunner!
:shock: I am far behind on news here, What happened RebelGirl? You can imed me anytime if you feel up to chatting, I'm so sorry about the called off your engagement with him. I'm so shocked and far behind on news here, I have no idea what happened and I wanted to tell you that, I'll always be there for you when you need a friend to rant out to and a shoulders to cry on. :hug:

You got me worried here, and I hope you are doing well, because I don't want to see you breaking down, I love you too much girly. Hang in there, and remember anytime you wanna talk about it, Feel free to imed me or private messaged me. :ily:
Awww, I'm sorry to hear, Rebel; at first, I was guessing it was the nasty neighbor. Some things in life are best done in the manner you are doing this and things find themselves working out for the best down the road. So here's to you!
:( OH RebelGirl, I am so very sorry!!! I wish I were with you right now to give you a big hug!!! I pray everything goes well with you and your daughter. Time is of the essence, and time will heal. If you would like to talk? Just PM me when you feel ready!!! I will miss you very much!!! You're in my prayers my friend!!! Please take care!!! :hug: :hug: :ily: